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Everything posted by ort

  1. The only topping I don’t like on a pizza are olives. Hate olives. I prefer a two topping, usually sausage and a veggie... mushrooms or onions. Love garlic. Used to eat shrimp pizza from this Italian restaraunt that offered it. In St. Louis we have a thin crust pizza joint called Imo’s... which is kind of decisive and controversial, but I fucking love it. Super thin crust and provel cheese. The best one is called the deluxe, which is sausage, bacon, green peppers, onions and mushrooms. It’s a St. Louis staple and it’s the fucking best. Also, I am high right now and really want pizza now.
  2. Damn liberals coming for our freedom straws. FUCK THAT. This is war.
  3. It's because Trump went over there to get feel-good headlines and to put forth an appearance of progress. Pompeo had to actually hash out real details and that's when negotiations actually matter, and when you get actual pushback.
  4. This one left me pretty cold. It wasn't bad or anything, but it never really grabbed me. There wasn't a single action set piece or big moment that wasn't shown in the trailers. Even the post credit joke was shown in the trailer. Too much nonsense science mumbo jumbo. Ghost and Morpheus were really weak villains too. So was that arms dealer guy. Eh, it was okay.
  5. For me it's either the DS Lite, GBA advance (the foldy one with a light up screen) or the iPhone.
  6. It wouldn't have been suicide, it would have been manslaughter by George Lucas.
  7. I know people who have had to deal with Andy Dick directly in a professional capacity, when he was brought in as a token celebrity for some local event. The stories they told me were hilarious and shocking. He made unwanted advances on like 5 or 6 different people, including teenagers. Andy Dick is not a healthy person.
  8. Playing twitchy shooters with the Joycons sucks anyway. Kinda defeats the whole portability advantage of buying a game like this on the switch.
  9. Anyway, I'll check out this show, because it's on Netflix, why not... but I'm really not expecting much.
  10. The way they've twisted Maxine Waters words is comical. There is truly no greater source of delicate snowflakes than the big voices in the right media. What a bunch of dishonest hypocritical clowns. I've been watching Hannity a little bit here and there lately and I find it truly fascinating. Do we think that's he's a true believer? I find it hard to believe that he isn't self aware enough to realize exactly what he is and why. Surely you can't get up there night after night and spew the kind of dishonest bullshit that he does and not be aware that he's turned into nothing more than the minister of propaganda for the republican party. He's not giving his opinion, he's manipulating every single story into whatever makes things go as smoothly as possible for his right wing masters so they can give as many breaks as they can to their big business masters. It's not even transparent.
  11. When will you denounce these actions by a fellow white man? Your silence is deafening...
  12. Yeah, it's an example of pulling out your political scorecard when a shooting happens. Ooh, let's see, white guy, check! reporters were shot? Yes! This was a right thing nut, score one for my team, yay! Let's race off to twitter/facebook and make comments!!!1!!
  13. Can I use any set of headphones in that headphone jack at the bottom of the Xbox One Controller? I have one of the older ones, I think.
  14. I just think it's two completely different situations. It's not like Biden walked in on a Tuesday and tried to buy a cake and was told to leave. He wanted to do a photo shoot there and promote his politics. I don't think it's fair to compare the two incidents at all. That doesn't mean that the right wing media machine isn't a collection of 100% dishonest hypocritical fucklords. Because they are.
  15. Different situation. Biden's team asked the owner if Biden could come in for a campaign visit with photographers and stuff and he said he didn't want to do it because he disagreed with him politically. Man, Fox News and Trump and their army of morons are just eating this shit up. It's all they needed. A few of their staffers get publicly shamed and one congresswoman says it's okay and BOOM, the left is unhinged and they are all in danger. What a fucking shit show. Trump supporters really are just the stupidest fucking stupid fucks in all of history.
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