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Everything posted by Mercury33

  1. Its not. In any sense of it. What makes these scum bags come off even more stupid is that this season is only half over. Maybe wait to see how it all plays out before bitching.
  2. That entire little goofy scene with the Stay Puft’s is a bit of a clue. So is Paul Rudd’s inclusion in the film. The rest of it is entirely a nostalgia trailer. The point is to appeal to fans of the original…who know they’re comedies.
  3. Yeah 1 in 10 is really really good for Rachet. Remember PlayStation the preferred system for more casual gamers. I would venture a TON of those PS5 owners probably still only have Madden and CoD downloaded. Buying a game because it’s the first true next gen game is very much a thing the vocal internet/hardcore crowd would do. And just based on this thread alone you have people that aren’t a big fan of the franchise/waiting for a sale/teh kiddiez. So it’s really more surprising that it’s that high. But you know, Xbox piggies always trying to hate and sling their slop around making everyone else as sad as them.
  4. Really, the lack of jokes in the trailer, that’s what we’re worried about. Jesus.
  5. Damnit. Oh well, I feel like I need to go to this no matter what just to support it and help it do well. More of this type of stuff please.
  6. Im legit addicted to British Baking show. It’s like the highlight of my year when it comes out. Absolutely blew my fucking mind when Old Greg took over as one of the hosts 😂😂😂
  7. It’s crazy. If you watch the “Fan Favorite Top 10 He Man Episodes” DVD that’s out there you’d go “hell yeah, this show is as great as I remember”. There were def some fantastic episodes with surprisingly deep stories and messages. But then you go to the complete collection and start watching ALL the episodes and sweet Jesus is a lot of it sooooo cheesy and awful. One thing I really loved about Revelations was the attention to detail not just from the original show but from the toys. Just little things like weapon design was so spot on. They really managed to tap into nostalgia without beating you over the head with it.
  8. Eh I’ve been seeing it show up at the top of “Best Fantasy Series” lists for years. When the show was announced I figured it’d be as good a time as any to give it a go. I’m mostly listening to the audio books(I’m in beer/wine sales so I’m in my car all day) and occasionally will read some of the print at night. I FULLY expect this take several years for me to get through. With audio books I usually switch it up when reading series. One book of the series and then some intent totally different, then back to the next one. Usually something fun and shorter(Graveyard Book, Ready Player One, Good Omens)The only series I’ve listened to straight through is Warlord Chronicles because that series is fucking flawless. Im honestly kind of excited for it to take so long. I feel like the end will really feel like the end of a journey personally to go along with the journey in the books.
  9. I feel the exact same way. I didn’t line DS2 at all because of how much of a Rambo they turned Isaac into. I also liked the setting better. The first one and a much cooler feeling of mystery and discovery to it.
  10. I thought I read the quality doesn’t dip till around book 9. Then the final books don’t suck but the ending feels rushed.
  11. Are you posting that crap as examples of the ridiculous insecure bullshit that exists or because you agree with it? That video is such a shinning example of unintelligent pseudo intellectual trash that I watched it a minute longer than I should have because I honestly thought it was going to turn out to be a parody video. That’s how staggering out of touch and moronic it is.
  12. Just finished. I loved it. So many wonderful nods to the show and even the movie but none of it was done in a “hey member this” type of way. Such a cool and interesting story to tell that amazingly makes perfect sense considering it’s coming from a show with zero continuous story. Can’t wait for the next 5 episodes. Also, holy hell is Evil-Lyn hot
  13. Welp, thought I could use this to get my 7 year old into He Man. He was down till the creepy ass Father/Daughter in episode 2 and then he tapped out. Lol oh well
  14. That’s how I’m going through them. They’re very well done. And yeah when I got to those particular scenes towards the end of book one, I immediately thought “sheesh I hope the show has enough budget to do this scene properly” lol
  15. I’m about halfway through the second book(I read sloooooooow). I enjoyed the first book but it feels like it’s hitting its stride now and I’m starting to really get into it. Curious how far into the second book the first season is gonna go. Based on the episode titles maybe 1/3 of the way?
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