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Everything posted by atom631

  1. Just got to act II. Aside from the bugs, the game is really good. Definitely one of the better gears games.
  2. Fuck me. I was just in Halifax a few weeks ago. My wife is from there and has a lot of family there. Her cousin is a fire chief in Dartmouth. I’m sure he’s busy as hell.
  3. jesus christ. im convinced trump is the greatest troll that ever lived. its all an act. either way, this timeline will be studied/analyzed/debated for the next 80 years on how it came to this.
  4. i cannot fucking believe that this whole Alabama thing is still a topic. Instead of just saying " hey, i apologize for the mistake. i had looked at earlier models and thought Alabama might be impacted and just wanted everyone that area to be prepared and safe. " thats it. thats all that needed be done. its almost a fucking week of tantrums over this. its cringe-worthy that this is the leader of our country behaving like this. move. the. fuck. on. even more incredible is his base defending him. its just mind-numbingly incredible.
  5. Do xbox players get to jump on the Beta Weekend 1? Nevermind, says playstation exclusive right at the top.
  6. The 20th I believe, correct? My birthday is the 13th. I have a 10% off coupon for BB that expires on the 30th. Is the updated switch out? Also - did the lite not receive a performance boost? Just scalled down body and removal of docking components?
  7. my birthday is next week and im really considering getting a switch. Definitely a bunch of games coming i wouldn't mind playing. The Mana series, Luigis Mansion, Links Awakening, a few of the SNES games, Xenoblades, plus a few already-released games. My only question is do I go with the switch lite or the new version of the switch. i dont ever see me playing docked, but i would hate to not have that option at all. but i really like the size of the lite.
  8. im talking about including day one releases and newer content. from what i remember when i looked at PSnow it was mostly older games. Also the streaming aspect sucked. Its good they allow downloads now.... but until they add day one exclusive releases, cross-play with PC and PC games .... gamepass is a far better value.
  9. That’s awesome. We should definitely get a D1P group together to play.
  10. Wow. These are surprisingly positive reviews! I was always playing this game, with or without bad reviews and gamepass..but this is really good to see. I am actually excited to play it now! Will the MP be cross-play?
  11. I think the point she is making is you shouldnt be allowed to just let people borrow a gun. Which she is 100% correct. Its one thing to have someone tag along with you to a gun range where they can try out your guns...its another to just give someone a gun and be like - hey just return it when youre through.
  12. maybe this movie should be pulled? considering the snowflake conservatives had a movie pulled they didnt agree with https://www.salon.com/2019/08/11/controversy-erupts-over-universal-pulling-its-release-of-the-hunt/
  13. So I just finished the series and I’m going to re-watch the movie tomorrow since it’s been a while since I’ve seen it. Some questions for others who finished it:
  14. I’m not disappointed by it, but it’s not as amazing as hearing EiF for the first time. I really wish they would revisit the With Hearts Towards None style.
  15. New MGLA album is out. Called Age of Excuse. Its pretty good - sounds a lot like Exercise in Futility Part 2. https://no-solace.bandcamp.com/album/age-of-excuse
  16. Im on ep9. Totally binged this over the weekend. Its amazing. They really kept true to the source material and expanded upon in such a way that they really made Thra feel so alive and full of wonder. They even managed to make it darker than the movie, which i never expected. they really knocked it out of the park.
  17. Dykstra is a creepy motherfucker. I would like to see him get his ass kicked too, but I dont think Bagel Boss got what it takes.
  18. Me too. Hard to pass that up. I figure the first few years will be great as they want to come out of the gate heavy to attract new subscribers.
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