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Everything posted by atom631

  1. I didn’t realize anyone here at D1P gave a shit about this game anymore but me. I still play pretty often. I’d rather play BF1 but it’s becoming harder and harder to find full matches. The new operation metro map is a lot of fun but the other newer maps are garbage. I really hope the pacific delivers.
  2. wow. these reviews are way better than i expected. from the sound of it, it a slimed-down, no bloat RPG. im totally fine with that. id rather have less, more meaningful content then dozens of hours of shallow fetch-quests. i hope this is true for this game.
  3. thanks. ive also been looking at strong lifts 5x5 as an option as well. i definitely want to start soon. i used to run a lot and hope to add that to the mix for my cardio on off-days. i figured 3 days a week lifting and 2-3 days cardio would be good. in the spring/summer/fall i would look to replace running with mountain biking.
  4. I dont follow Canadian politics but from what I hear around here, Trudeau is really disliked in Canada. Other than the blackface thing, why is he so disliked? and if hes so disliked, how did he get re-elected?
  5. what is your workout routine like? ive lost a bunch of weight by just not eating like a slob and cutting out the IPAs and stouts. but now i want to kick it up a notch and get strong.
  6. Making my way through astral chain. This game has worn out its welcome and I’m basically forcing myself to finish at this point. I’m on file 9 and over 20hrs, so I think I’m pretty close to done. It was definitely fun for a while with file 6 being the highlight. I really dislike going through the gates. It’s such a boring environment that they constantly put you in. I usually wind up just stopping right there and coming back in small spurts bc I really dislike it. the gameplay is obviously the highlight but after 20hrs of it, I’ve definitely had enough.
  7. i hate the music, but the fans dont bother me. they all seem friendly and chill and usually have good weed.
  8. well if you play that little, then ya, just get the 1 month sub or whatever. for me, i wouldve bought gears 5 and outer worlds day one....so the cost of doing XBL->Ultimate more than justifies it.
  9. ive never played the other games, but from what i understand it shouldnt be required as the storty is pretty shallow. this looks like a lot of fun and i have it pre-ordered already/
  10. fair enough. just keep in mind that once you convert, you cant go back. if you dont think that there will be another game youre interested in the next 3 years, then your plan sounds fine. otherwise...you might be making a mistake.
  11. Your live subscription converts to Xbox Ulitmate, which includes PC game pass. Apparently, the PC game pass is $5.00 only until its out of beta and then it might go up. i think i read 7.50/mo. getting 3 years of XBL maxes you out at like 4.25/mo. so even if it goes up, youre locked in for a few years.
  12. but before you convert.... max out your xbox live. you can stack up to 3 years. Costco has 2yrs of XBL for 95.00 add the time on to your account THEN convert to Ultimate.
  13. Yes, but with some legs to it. I loved Anthem - enjoyed the story/lore and gameplay much more than TD...but it just fell flat in the endgame and the loot pool was terrible.
  14. I really hope for TD3 they skip 50-100 years in the future. fix the loot pool in this game so that 98% of the hundreds of drops you get in a play session isnt junk. add some vertical mobility into this game. add in new faction enemies - maybe AI or Aliens.... something. this game got boring fast, both 1 and 2.
  15. I’m ok with this being delaying since Death Stranding, Jedi: FO, Luigis Mansion and COD (I’m iffy on this one) are all releasing relatively close to each other. but March 20 is a tough month.
  16. that makes sense to me. i would imagine all 1st party games for both consoles will try to hit 4k/60. most 3rd parties games will depend on how well they are optimized. hopefully if the hardware between the two consoles is similar, it will help.
  17. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-administration-us-ambassador-to-eu-from-appearing-at-house-impeachment-deposition no obstruction.
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