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Everything posted by atom631

  1. 1. The audio mix in the main game is just terrible overall and it’s the same in warzone. 2. agree 100%. High level players are fully geared within 2-3 minutes of the start of the match. All your ideas make sense and i would even like to add that either the option to buy the load out is greyed out until there’s only X amount of players left (maybe 25?) or you can only do it once per team per match. 3. they confirmed in the next update (which will be soon) this is going to be fixed.
  2. The download for me was only 18Gb, but that’s bc i have the base game installed. The BR map reuses a lot of areas from groundwar and core maps. the whole game is massive - like 180Gb
  3. so as I mentioned, I’m not a huge BR fan....but I actually really enjoyed the 4ish matches I played tonight. my very first match I was paired with 2 other dudes that communicated and it was really fun. Like some of the most fun I’ve had in this game in 200+ hrs. Literally no one communicates in the core game. I managed to get 4 kills before we got lit up. then the next few matches, zero communication. Wonky drop zones that the leader kept changing. I think literally almost all the other matches was 2 people in a party. They managed to stick together and I spent most of the time fighting to try to get to them..and they kept moving away. So I basically played solo and still had a good time. Picked up a bounty contract and managed to take out the target. I think the unique touches like contracts, killstreaks and the gulag really make it stand out. I like how it’s minimal inventory management and you can regen health. I also really like that with the armor, the TTK makes for some good gunfights. The core game sorely lacks this. It comes down to who saw who first and who has the lower ping. overall, I can see me spending a good amount of time in this mode. The game feel fresh again. I just wish i would’ve messaged those first 2 dudes and friended them. 😕
  4. I wish destiny would go cross-play. Everyone who played on PS4 went to PC, right?
  5. Warzone (Battle Royale and Plunder) releases tomorrow! I gotta say, they really nailed the constant feed of content, the weekly change up of playlists, the level and unlocks and the season pass. This is a great example of how the industry should move forward with MP/live service games. with that, I’m not really a BR fan, but I’ll definitely give this a go. Would love to squad up with some of you fools.
  6. Still playing COD: MW19. Grinding some gold skins in the CQC playlist. I pretty much dislike core and ground war is just awful. I’ve Recently leveled my ax-50 sniper to be fun in CQC. i also finally linked my PC to the steam link app on my Apple TV. I then linked my steam controller to the Apple TV. And I’m now about 1 1/2hrs into The Witcher 1! also - went back to BFV after they reverted the TTK and realized it’s still just BFV and just not that fun to play anymore. I’m really hoping the make some big changes to the next one.
  7. I found the demo to be somewhat underwhelming. Maybe bc I’ve seen the cut scenes and gameplay from this area a 100 times already. I dunno. it’s missing the charm of the original. The areas felt very sterile and empty. I remember the original was so atmospheric. Maybe its bc it was such a radical departure from Rpgs and being 3D. I just didn’t feel impressed with what i saw. I didn’t stop once and just look around the environment. as for the gameplay...it’s OK. It’s fun switching around to different characters and I can see how they are shaping the fighting mechanics to require certain characters for situations. They didn’t have enough skills though for me to decide if I actually like it. As it was presented, it felt very button-mashey. I’m hoping it’s deeper as more characters are introduced and more skills are opened. I’m still playing it, but my hype has definitely lessened.
  8. Nice. I think these are fair changes and should make everyone happy. now to fix that spotting mechanic!! ill definitely be jumping back in. I’m getting tired of COD so it will be nice to go back to BF. Hopefully the rest of the playerbase returns.
  9. Hardcore trump supporters are lost, we all agree on that. However, the ones I mentioned that state “he’s a businessman”....they aren’t. They are the moderate conservatives that put up with trump because Hillary was a worse option in their eyes. I work with a ton of conservatives who voted for trump and said they would consider Bloomberg and only Bloomberg if he ran against him. my own dad despises trump. Would never vote for him. But also won’t vote for Bernie. He’d vote for Bloomberg. There are a lot of moderates that feel this way. As i said, this country is not ready for a full a far-left candidate. 42 minutes ago, Scott said: My thoughts exactly. I love Bernie - i voted for him in the 16 primaries but he won’t win against trump.
  10. Every dem candidate wants to take the guns. And Bloomberg can just say I can but 17x of your gold plated apartments and I could also buy a wife as well. he can win the shit-slinging contest and that’s the only thing trump really does.
  11. Nah see....Bloomberg can just pull out his dick to measure. He can just say....ok. Let’s see your tax return. No way trump goes down that road with Bloomberg. His advisors will def make him shy away. It’s exactly why he hasn’t really attacked Bloomberg yet even though he’s going pretty hard at trump. he’s got nothing. other than that...yeah not really a fan of him but I’d take him over trump 1000000%
  12. The only reason I like Bloomberg is because it takes away a key talking point of trump supporters and takes away a lot of trumps own talking points. Bloomberg is actually a self-made billionaire. And he’s actually smart. And following him on twitter and FB - he’s not afraid to go low and hit trump where it hurts - his money. He’s constantly taking shots about how it was his daddy’s money, he’s a failed businessman, etc. I love it and trump can’t counter it to Bloomberg. so many trump supporter’s excuse for tolerating trump is “he’s a good businessman” and “not a cOmMiE sOcIALiSt“. Well Bloomberg isn’t a socialist and he’s a better businessman. Sadly, I don’t think this country is ready for a democratic socialist or a far-left leaning candidate. There’s just too many boomers left that have been corrupted by Fox and the young people aren’t coming out to vote.
  13. A few years ago I was an avid runner. Out on a run one day, i got this intense pain out of nowhere in the bottom of my foot. I was at the halfway mark (3/6 miles) and no phone or anything. So I fast walked/slow jogged back home. I gave it a week to see if it would get better. Went out on a run and made it about 500’ bc the pain was so intense. A few weeks later i went to a podiatrist and turns out I got plantars fasciitis. Aside from rehab, stretching and cortisone shots there’s not much they can do. However his one piece of advice is to wear crocs as much as I can tolerate. He said at least around your house instead of being barefoot. so I bought a pair of crocs to loaf around in. Now while i would never wear them in public - they are fucking amazing and unbelievably comfortable. I love them. And I want me some chicken wing crocs to wear around my house.
  14. Xanax knocks me into another realm. Back in the day a buddy and I ate a yellow bar (can’t remember the Mgs) and went to Applebee’s. We both passed out at the table like addicts. We had to get shooken (word?) up by management and got kicked out. At least they didn’t call the cops. great for flying though. I take a little tiny piece about 40min before boarding and my wife is shaking me to get up when we’re on the runway after landing
  15. I agree. But he’s made several statements that he’s absolutely not. The whole neo-Nazi aspect of BM is so bizarre to me.
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