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Everything posted by JosephManderley

  1. So this is the game Panic Button hinted at... Good to see all these big FTP games getting ported! Not got a date for it yet.
  2. I was just about to post that! Stardew Valley 100%.
  3. Managed to accidentally gimp myself on Pokémon Quest, so now I am grinding like mad to fix my team. Not really enjoying it much at this point, but playing it out of a bloody minded determination to beat the game and be done with it! Still not spent any money on it.
  4. The first stream I ever watched was the 'We got a Wii' Stream on GameSpot. So many gifs spawned from this! I remember by the end of this I was so hyped for the Wii, I was almost counting the minutes until launch. Wii launch was a rough time for me, my mother was very sick with Cancer. Stuff like this kept me reasonably sane. I know there are a lot of Giant Bomb fans on here, but I preferred them back in the day when they were less jaded. What early gaming streams do you remember?
  5. This is a tough question! Not sure I can choose just one. For playing with friends, it is the Wii. Some of my best gaming memories are of beer fuelled Warioware and Wii Sports bowling sessions back in the day... I owned more PS2 games than I did for any other system, that has to count for something. Played a ridiculous amount of the SSX games, and GTA games on PS2. Pro Evo Soccer was great on PS2 as well. Then there is the Switch... Might be my favorite by the end of it's life, certainly started well. Decision time... PS2 wins.
  6. I loved my DS Lite, I didn't have many games for it, but those I had were awesome! Mario Kart Harvest Moon Animal Crossing Puzzle Quest Those 4 games between them gave me hundreds of hours of entertainment. The Wii / DS era was great.
  7. Some sort of government program to support people growing their own fruit and vegetables. Even something small like subsidized seeds and planters. Get more people connected to what they eat, and eating fresh produce, even occasionally.
  8. Almost everything I have played this year came out last year! Most 2018 games I am looking forward to are not out yet.
  9. EA was the worst I have ever seen. They had NOTHING, and spent what felt like a week shitting on the corpse of Command and Conquer with a dodgy mobile game.
  10. Played a couple of 20 minute Pokémon Quest sessions. Feels like I am starting to close in on the ending. Got my first Shiny today. I recon another few days and I will be done with this.
  11. Listening now. Sounds like fixing the forum was a real ball-ache. Thanks for all the work you put in.
  12. Rotating Stardew Valley, Pokémon Quest and Dragon Quest Builders. Nothing relaxes me like chilling out playing Stardew. Best value for money gaming purchase I ever made.
  13. Just about to re-download Dragon Quest Builders, then I plan to spend most of the day playing that whilst laying around in my Father in Law's garden. There may be beer and grilled meat involved at some stage. There are a few dark clouds though, so if it rains I guess I will be playing on the couch.
  14. MMO in the Deus Ex universe. I would play that to death.
  15. That makes sense. I never owned a NES, had a Sega Master System, so I wouldn't notice stuff like that, and I have no nostalgia for the hardware.
  16. I really don't understand the hype about these mini systems. I would sooner just have the games on my Switch. Does that mean that I am a bad person?
  17. I love Nintendo Directs, I think I am addicted to them! I often watch them 2 or 3 times! We just had the E3 direct, which was OK, but because of the leaks there was little in the way of surprises. Also there was a lot of stuff we were all expecting to see that wasn't shown. It was a bit disappointing. So I am hungry for another Direct! But is there anything to talk about that would make a Direct worth it? Firstly, Panic Button talking about a major Switch port about to be revealed in the next few weeks, a Direct is the place to announce that. Secondly, we are less than 3 months from the paid online service. We don't know what half the initial free games are, and how the multi player aspects have been added. They need to sell people on this service, and they have not done much of this yet. That is already the backbone of a Direct. Add in a couple of indies, a Smash character reveal, a Pokémon update, and a couple of trailers for fall games (NBA, FighterZ, etc.) Job done. I recon we will get something at the end of July. Thoughts? EDIT: They could also do a spot on Starlink, and unveil the N64 mini that is rumored...
  18. Almost back to where I was in Pokémon Quest before I sold my Switch. (and lost all my game saves) I WILL finish this game before the Let's Go games come out, and I will finish it without spending money. Going to bite the bullet and restart Dragon Quest Builders this weekend as well. I really like the game, but I played the demo before I bought it, so restarting it will mean playing the first couple of hours, which are pretty straight forward, for the 3rd time...
  19. Pokémon Quest, enjoying it more than I would expect to. Challenging myself to beat the game without spending anything on it!
  20. Depends on who you speak to! In all honesty it is probably something in between the two. It is a remake of Yellow, with coop and some new mechanics. I think it will be fun, but will cause rage with the hard-core Pokémon fans!
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