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Everything posted by JosephManderley

  1. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe now supports the Labo handlebars as a control method. Nintendo says Labo support will be coming to other games in the future. Yoshi?
  2. Post your friend codes, Gamer tags etc here if you want to share... Switch Friend code: 2967-5756-8960
  3. What is on your radar for the rest the year? I know it is possible for some more games to be announced, but I feel like we know what the major titles are now. I basically have 4 big games that I am likely to buy. Octopath Starlink Pokémon Let's go Smash I am also looking forward to the Stardew Valley multi player update for Switch, and the 20 NES games with Switch online. I think that will keep me entertained for the rest of the year, but I will probably pick up an Indie or 2 to fill in any gaps. What about you all? EDIT - Forgot to add that I might get Mario Party to play with the family at Christmas.
  4. I haven't got around to playing the second demo yet, but I will next week. This is probably my next purchase, but I might not get it day 1.
  5. I wanted to play Dragon Quest Builders today, but then I remembered that I will have to restart from the beginning and I can't be bothered playing through the early stuff again today. Will give Fortnite another go, played 1 match Friday night and it was OK. I got sniped by someone I didn't even see, but that will teach me not to walk around in the open!
  6. Pokémon Go has finally added Friends lists, gifts and trading Pokémon. This is probably part of the ramp up to the Pokémon Let's Go integration. Anybody want to swap friend codes? Mine is 4167 6367 4468 Add me, I want some Pokémon Go Friends!
  7. One interesting thing I have noticed is that this Switch seems to have better WIFI than my launch one did. I can get a solid connection in bed with this one, my first one wouldn't always connect in my bedroom, and when it did it was not a good enough connection to play something like Splatoon without issues. Had to sit closer to the router for that. Do we know that Nintendo improved the WiFi, or was my launch unit just a bit dodgy?
  8. My first Switch had a slightly loose left joycon from day one. It wasn't loose enough to be an issue, but was looser than the right one. After almost a year of use my left joycon stick started selecting up randomly even when I wasn't touching it, so I bought a new joycon which was fine. My new Switch seems perfect, no loose joycons.
  9. Going to give Fortnite a try, and then play some Stardew Valley in bed.
  10. I am guessing not many people have done this yet, so I thought I'd make a thread to let you know how it went. Before I sold my old Switch, I remembered to unlink my Nintendo account. This is done from the settings menu, and is really easy. It is very important to do this though, otherwise you will need to contact Nintendo to transfer your account. When I started setting up the new Switch, it gave me the option to link my account to the new console... However when I tried to do it, it was not possible until I had updated to the latest firmware. Once this was done all I needed to do is open the eshop and the option was there again. All I had to do was enter my email address and password and the account was linked in seconds, my friends list and activity appeared. Re-downloading my games also seems easy. Overall it has been a simple process, I was worried it was going to be far more complicated, because Nintendo... The only downside is that I lost all my saves. Once the paid online is up and running with cloud saves it won't be an issue, but I was out of luck. My 3 saves on Stardew Valley, with 350 hours of game play put into them, are gone... But it gives me a reason to start again!
  11. Think this unit had been on a shelf for a while. Was on firmware 2.3, updating now.
  12. Isn't 'Donkey Kong' the result of a translation error? Was supposed to be Monkey Kong?
  13. I got a new Switch today! The money you guys contributed was in my account on Monday, but I couldn't get to MediaMarkt until today! You guys are amazing! Thanks again!
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