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Everything posted by Bloodporne

  1. I didn't realize it had the stages included as well. I'm having a lot of fun with this one so far. I also just figured out you can hit "Quick Restart" and don't always have to start by walking to the shortcut again, big difference. Currently trying to learn the second area, the jungle. I thought the Mines were brutal, damn.
  2. I listened to it live, have been following the coverage for the past few days, and I completely agree. I had just finished listening to an interview with an ex-translator describing what the promises vs. reality now ended up being and on comes Biden, sounding defensive, dismissive and arrogant. The tone and message of it were truly shit and, to me at least, barely more tactful or thoughtful sounding than the Trump years, if at all. Also, the air of "why am I being bothered with this shit" seemed palpable and especially in hindsight considering his ass got back to vacationing right after apparently. The international community should be sitting up and noticing, and they seem to be doing so, because that was fucking pathetic and the icing on the cake.
  3. I bought Spelunky on a whim, it was like $3. It took me a minute to wrap my head around it all, how you're supposed to play, but I've been really enjoying it and made it to the second world so far. Goddamn this game is hard... ...and also, I might be into rogue-whatevers now, hell has indeed frozen over.
  4. Dark Souls Playing that game for the first time, offline and all, was probably the most invested I've ever been in a game. Came off a long period of not playing video games at all too.
  5. I suck way too much and don't have the competitive drive to play games like that. Also zero interest makes things a bit tricky.
  6. I was born in East Germany in the early 80s so by the time I was 10 or so I had seen the wall fall and borders disappear with the EU formation, the only thing I believe is that we're always one C-hair away from upheaval. That's probably why I never understand how it takes seemingly fucking decades for even the smallest change at all in the States. I have fantasies/delusions of going back to where the rest of my family ultimately settled in (West) Germany but I doubt that'll occur. Another tangent...answer is no I don't believe so at all.
  7. Of course he's the future of the party, he's one of the most monumental piles of dog shit around. No lies detected.
  8. My favorite part about RDR2's sheer idiocy in terms of gameplay was when you'd rob someone in the middle of the countryside and suddenly you're public enemy #1 with ten bounty hunters spawning in plain sight approximately twenty feet away. No, wait, not as awesome as walking two feet the invisible wrong way and failing a mission because it's not as cool.
  9. I admit I never really liked the Quake games despite being a massive Doom fan. I loved the atmosphere and soundtrack in the first one but always thought the guns and hit impacts felt weak and boring compared to Doom so I never even finished it back in the day. Quake 2 looked amazing when it came out and the gameplay was much better but I didn't like the switch in aesthetics at all so I dropped that one eventually as well. I'd play a reboot with the original's atmosphere etc. in a heartbeat and maybe it'll be another shot at getting a non-cartoon-cheese version of Doom since they're going all out with the Nickelodeon shit in that series now.
  10. Wait was I supposed to know this? Didn't even think about it but duh in hindsight
  11. I was about to type "yeah fuck yeah 100%" and explain how much crazier it all looks the longer I'm away from it when I realized that I'm not entirely sure whether having a D1P account would be considered social media?
  12. I looked at it for a while like one of those 3D posters at the mall and was expecting a normal human face to appear at some point. No lo hizo
  13. Just look at this dude's face for a bit...how is that thing even real?? It looks like a halloween mask of an 80s bully who wouldn't let you date the cheerleader cos you're white trash
  14. You should start posting little screenshots, take a pic with your phone and post it. I could probably remember how to get out of most rooms at this point.
  15. I quite like the song overall actually but specifically Danny Elfman's vocal sections and his lyrics. Special shoutout to the video not being some 4K HD footage of two aging dudes trying to look young.
  16. This little video is such a succinct roast of what a nonsensical hodgepodge of random, archaic John Wayne drivel these supposed beliefs are, well done. Also can't get over the fact this woman said something about the "police state" coming to your front door and asking for your address, SSN, phone number...dude...
  17. What have I done... A lot of people seem to love the game (I mean look in here) either way and it's always dirt cheap, it's absolutely worth a try probably. Edit: Wait he just said it's on GamePass...nevermind duh.
  18. Based on my experience, I found some of the reviews spot on. I read the Gamespot one right after dropping the game for example and I thought it hit the nail on the head. It is an incredibly well realized world and everything about it feels like it should be amazing but then the alien-related meat of the gameplay hits and the game just fell apart for me. Clearly most of you in here won't agree with this but I found the Frictional Games style Hide & Seek mechanics barely serviceable to begin with but once the alien became quite frequent, it kind of shined a spotlight on how limited, unreliable, insta-death-reliant and cheap the core gameplay often feels. What I mean is that I thought it was okay against the handful of automatons and still veering on the 'yeah I'll deal with that because the rest is awesome' side of things but against the alien, the game just felt like a frustrating coin-flip against a constant insta-kill machine with AI that just didn't feel like it had any discernable internal logic to it that I could base my approach on properly. I understand the nature of it being an alien etc. should have a sense of the unexpected and all but in practice I often would watch the alien walk in repetitive circles around my locker location leaving me not tense but simply bored while waiting for the AI to snap out of its 'ya can't leave' mode. Since there is no other option than hide and leave from lockers, which are your big pal in the game, I just found the lack of any strategic element really boring. You're always sitting around waiting out the AI for often seemingly pretty long stretches and your crouch-crawl may or may not subsequently alert the alien because I just could never reliably tell what the rules were. This paired with the old school save station system is what sent me over the edge. I remember my last play session with it was me testing out all sorts of shit because I had already given up, all the tools and so on, just to see if I could establish some more reliable tactics before giving up and I just couldn't. I remember baiting the alien for example and throwing a flare and escape, one second later OHKO. Maybe I didn't get something about it but damn, I play a lot of games with way more intricate systems than this and I'd have a hard time buying that I just had no idea how to play or engage with it after a total of 8 hours. I think the IDEA behind the game is fucking great but it ending up feeling like Insta-Death: The Game with rudimentary YouTube Horror stealth mechanics like press crouch and hide in locker in practice. I had other issues with it but that's the crux of it for me and I can totally see why a lot of people were turned off. It's kind of like playing Amnesia: Dark Descent with very frequent and very aggressive encounters. I think after only a handful of full alien objectives, I just found it equal measures exhausting, boring and unwieldy. The world, story and everything thought is a straight 10/10 so I really had a hard time giving up on it and also wish they'd done a sequel with fleshed-out stealth mechanics but alas.
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