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Everything posted by Bloodporne

  1. He apparently didn't catch that part of the training video. I worked there for maybe 3 months in 2000/2001 and even I remember this. My friend works at a camera store in Manhattan and they have a policy to not even say anything if they see someone walk out and he said it happens often.
  2. We all listened to his speech in the office and it was basically "I'm Italian, it's a political hit-job, gimme a break ayyy...ohhh...." nonsense. Not that anything could could've come of that speech anyway BUT in case anyone wanted a tl;dr.
  3. This is true. I played it...last year or maybe the year prior but there are some super easy ini file (or something similar) setup changes that enable more reflections, higher resolution and so on. It's an incredibly atmospheric and detailed looking game.
  4. This game was fucking stellar until the actual alien Hide & Seek gameplay started. Never done such a 180 from utterly loving a game to dropping it within only a few more hours. The atmosphere, world building, graphics, everything are impeccable though so they definitely nailed that part. I still had a solid amazing 5 or 6 hours with it though so it's a 6/10 or something for me.
  5. Those animations on Samus are still really cool to me today, especially when standing still and you see her breathing.
  6. I will throw in that this definitely goes back to a time when we'd play games with a notepad next to us. I remember playing A Link to the Past with my sister back in the day and we constantly made notes on a crude map we had copied from the game's overworld map. In that context, Super Metroid was actually really modern at the time as far as I recall in that it actually had a fairly detailed and understandable map and even a menu showing you what power-ups you have collected and all. That being said, the Metroid games definitely require a lot of searching and feeling lost which is actually why I love them so much in the first place. It's like playing archaeologist after being dumped off in a totally foreign environment, such a cool concept to me still. Souls games are great at this core Metroid idea for me as well and most recently Returnal nailed the shit out of it.
  7. Is this the 2008 one with Alyssa Milano or something more obscure I can't find right now? Wait...this one is directed by a fucking German, no doubt this is it as described by you two.
  8. See ya in 2026 when it finally releases to a 68 metacritic score with janky-ass combat and massive bugs.
  9. There isn't even a game here at all, it looks like a mockup of two or three corridors running at an unstable 20FPS or something. The more games have become obsessed with marketing themselves based on their aesthetics, the less I become interested. Things like this look great, sure, but I always get the feeling that quality gameplay takes a backseat and we end up with some boring-ass, serviceable pastiche of way better games from ages ago just to support the "vision".
  10. That's what this game seems to be doing to a lot of people!
  11. A lot of games do but there's a difference between getting irritated and the type of full-on anger I'm talking about. I never experience that "about to throw the controller" anger usually but this game...jesus haha nope...
  12. Tried for the millionth time to get into Street Fighter V online versus again and deleted it once again shortly after. Fighting games make me irrationally angry and I never get mad at video games, it's absurd.
  13. Diving into the Desperados III DLC missions tonight probably if I find time.
  14. To add to that, physical and mental health go hand in hand so something physical is usually best (no pun intended)
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