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Everything posted by TheLeon

  1. I’m at a point now where I’m not exactly thriving, but I’m more or less stable. For example, I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to save enough to put a down payment on a house/condo, but I’ve saved enough that when my car started acting up this weekend and I needed to drop a thousand dollars on maintenance/repairs, it wasn’t the end of the world.
  2. I think they mean expensive, non-franchise movies aimed at adults.
  3. Outer Wilds is the game I really loved that you’re probably thinking of. Outer Worlds (the Obsidian RPG) is fine. I never played No Man’s Sky.
  4. I read that as Imogen Heap and was profoundly confused for 1.5 seconds.
  5. Overwatch 2 is finally connecting for me again… but at the moment I kinda just want to play Vampire Survivors.
  6. “a competently made film about real people” is traditional Oscar catnip. Long term though, this is the year that “broke” the Oscars in certain ways. The next year is when they expanded the Best Picture to include up to 10 nominees, which has allowed for some pretty interesting lineups.
  7. It was some 60’s French movie that they thew in just to ruin our streaks.
  8. At least he’s holding off on death con 1 for now.
  9. Well, this time, I'm happy that I broke my rule and bought this at full price. It only took one round for me to "get" it, now I'm hooked. I’m always on the lookout for “podcast” games, and I think this is going to be mine for a while.
  10. I played it a bit when it first came out, but it didn’t hook me. I’m going to give it another shot when Golden hits Game Pass in a couple weeks. There was just something about 4 that hit me in a way no other Persona/SMT game has.
  11. Installed it on PC, same deal as my Series X. I suppose it could be a problem on my end, but nothing has really changed since I was able to play yesterday morning.
  12. I loved P4G so much. After 100 hours, I didn’t want it to end. It’s the only epic-length JRPG like that I’ve ever finished.
  13. I do, and I bought it. I was trying to set myself up for a joke. You were supposed to say “Come on, it’s only $5” and I would respond “No % off, no buy! “
  14. Yeah, the main cast are all teens, and the source book is from an author who mostly wrote YA. But going just by the first episode, it doesn't seem like it's going to be watered down that much. Feels like it could get to some pretty dark places. But if people are let down by that, don't worry, he's got The Fall of The House of Usher coming out (presumably) next year.
  15. Sounds fun, but I hate buying games at full price. I'll wait for a nice sale before jumping in.
  16. Can’t even log in this morning. My favorite part is that it says “Unexpected server error occurred”. Bitch please. At this point, all I expect are server errors!
  17. 10 episodes. Based on the novel by Christopher Pike. And I thought this was pretty funny: The Midnight Club is in the Guiness Book of World Records for most jump scares in a single episode.
  18. Sure, but I can’t imagine they’re anticipating this game to be a 2 week flash in the pan. Overwatch held onto millions of players for six years, never the most popular game around, but respectable. I bet this launch could really add to those numbers, but only if people can actually play it. I’ll keep trying to get in because I know how much I love the base game, but if I was a newcomer, I probably would have deleted it by now and moved on to something else.
  19. That’s a fun way to look at it, like a self-fulfilling prophecy. Start with not enough servers, people stop playing because they’re annoyed with long queue times, then suddenly they have the right server capacity!
  20. Small indie company. And it’s free so we can never complain about it.
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