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Everything posted by TheLeon

  1. Just finished season 3 of Line of Duty. Easily some of the best dramatic TV I've watched in a long time.
  2. I assume he’ll need this super yacht to access his lair in the base of an active volcano.
  3. TheLeon


    Has anyone else has to wait longer than normal to get a refund? I filed mine a month ago (right before what I thought was the deadline) and got my state refund within days, but I’m still waiting on the federal.
  4. I don't think the government could ever pay me enough to have kids.
  5. Ys VIII on Switch. I like that I can play for 20-30 minutes and feel like I’ve made progress, at least so far.
  6. Yeah, I had decently high hopes for that movie, but it just didn't work at all.
  7. I’ve bounced off the game a couple of times now. I tried it again after they added full voice acting and controller support, but that didn’t do it either. I admire what it’s doing, and it obviously has its fans, but I just can’t get into it.
  8. Line of Duty - @gamer.tv has mentioned this one a few times. I was looking for a new drama series, so I gave it a shot. It’s great. I’m in season 2 now. Here in the US it’s on Hulu.
  9. It feels like no matter where I go or what I do, I'm going to be stuck at the lowest level. Oh sure, everyone loves my strong work ethic. If something needs done correctly and efficiently, they bring it to me and not my coworkers. But being a hard worker isn't enough. You need to be a "people person", and that's really tough for me when I'm surrounded by idiots.
  10. Kathryn Hahn and Janelle Monáe have also been cast. They keep dolling out these announcements, and I keep lapping ‘em up.
  11. Yeah, I hope since these are sequels to an established theatrical hit, they’ll get a decent theatrical release.
  12. Bautista was also announced. ‘Knives Out 2’: Dave Bautista Joins Daniel Craig In Rian Johnson’s Sequel For Netflix WWW.GOOGLE.COM Sources tell Deadline Dave Bautista is set to join Daniel Craig in the next installment, which Netflix recently landed the rights too.
  13. For months, I’ve had a group of guys at work trying to get me to come to “the club” with them. I’ve lost my polite excuse.
  14. Is it narcissistic to take five seconds to play along with a thread?
  15. Run (2020) - You’ll probably guess where this Hulu original is going within the first few minutes, but that’s ok. It’s a fun, fairly tight little 90 minute thriller. Sarah Paulson does her thing, but the real highlight is newcomer Kiera Allen. I didn’t realize until I was reading about it afterwards, but this is the director and co-writer of 2018’s Searching, which was really good and unique. I’m definitely interested in whatever they do next.
  16. My Facebook account shows up on the first page, but that might just be because of my cookies or whatever. My name is pretty close to a US politician who shows up first. Then there are some other boring white guys like me whose names match mine completely or close enough that they get tossed in.
  17. I feel ya. At this point, I’ve been without my mom for over half my life. Didn’t realize that was today. Maybe subconsciously that’s why I picked up some beer and was about to start the first real night of drinking I’ve had in months.
  18. I’ve never played Dark Alliance, but I think I would really enjoy a watered down BG. Is that what it is?
  19. TheLeon

    Penis poll

    I think I may be more or less asexual. Never done it, never been all that interested in it or motivated by it, seeing it depicted in any vaguely realistic way grosses me out (hence no porn). But if I go more than about 5 days without ejaculating, I start to feel insane. Like fizzle said, gotta get the poison out.
  20. I know that these were originally planned to be a little more spread out, but damn that’s a lot of movies in the next year.
  21. TheLeon

    Penis poll

    It takes so little for me to get off, porn is unnecessary. I crank it maybe once or twice a week, whenever I need that release, but I don’t really get that much out of it. It’s just maintenance.
  22. TheLeon

    Penis poll

    Yes, and thank you for the generous use of the term “joke”.
  23. My previous statement was “I don’t fuck and tell”. That’s what I fixed. I set that up on a tee and nobody hit it. So no girlfriend. Sorry to get your hopes up.
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