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Everything posted by TheLeon

  1. Vampyr is kinda the reason I’m in the “wait and see” phase with this one. That game has its fans, and there’s a lot to like about it, but I didn’t get super far because actually playing it was kind of a drag.
  2. Yes, I’m deeply serious about this. You can tell based on my well-established hatred of Taylor Swift and everything she represents. There’s no way she’s just an extremely famous person, it has to be a pro-Biden psi-op. That’s the only reason the media gives her any attention. They’re all in on it.
  3. Getting back into Armored Core 6. I was only away from it for like 4 days, but that murdered my momentum.
  4. Don’t forget that she’s only “dating” Kelce so that when the Chiefs win the (rigged) Super Bowl, she will have a massive platform to endorse Biden. Because, you know, that’s the only way for her to get her message out to millions of people.
  5. He’s mentally competent enough to talk shit, how bad can he be?
  6. I didn’t want Biden. I wanted not-Trump. I didn’t even get a real chance to vote for anyone else in the 2020 primary, because everyone else had dropped out by then. But at least he’s just a slow old man. I don’t have to worry about him starting nuclear war from Twitter while taking his morning dump.
  7. Imagine how exhausting it must be to pretend to care about the Chiefs, even without all the jet lag. The woman is superhuman.
  8. In case you missed it, episode 5 will air tonight, because apparently some sports thing is happening Sunday night…
  9. I'm dogsitting this weekend, so I went to place that’s normally a little far for me. It’s called Two Cities, and their gimmick is that offer both New York and Chicago style pizza. I’ve had their New York variety, and it may not be “authentic”, but it’s darn good. This is a Chicago pie, and it’s been far too long since I’ve had real deep dish to compare, but this is also very good! Extremely filling. I’m usually a monster with pizza (and most food if we’re being honest), but this thing will easily last me three dinners.
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