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Everything posted by thedarkstark

  1. Thanks for the kind words everyone, doing a lot better today but I know its going to be a long time before I'm fully over it, he was always there to greet me when I walked in the door.
  2. Sorry for bummer topic but my cat started losing a lot of weight recently so I took him to the vet and he was diagnosed with inoperable cancer. He was getting a bit older (around 16) but he was was incredibly spry and playful for his age even through the cancer and the weight loss... until about 3 days ago he started isolating himself a lot and it was clear something was wrong, then last night he really took a turn for the worst and I couldn't bare seeing him in that pain and the vet said he only had 2-3 days left max so I had to do what was best for him. I didn't think it would hit me this hard, I knew it was coming for a long time but I'm pretty fucking sad today. I had been looking forward to starting Tears of the Kingdom for months if not years but I have no damn desire right now and I feel like in my mind it will always be associated with day he passed. I lost my grandmother (who basically raised me) to cancer on my birthday 30 years ago and I still feel like it's a cursed day. Anyways, love your family, love your pets, take good care of them.
  3. Stamp collecting isn't something you do 10+ hours a day every single day. Yeah it might be useless but it's not an obsession that takes 1,000's of hours of your time. People are free to do what they want, I just think a lot of them at some point will end up regretting the amount of time they put into it. This is off-topic though, I don't want to derail this thread.
  4. Because having intricate knowledge of a games mechanics is entirely useless as none of that translates to any other aspect of life. In most cases that skill doesn't even translate to being good at other video games. At least hobbies like playing a sport helps you stay healthy. If they're truly doing it purely for fun and entertainment then sure it's no more harmful than any other hobby that doesn't have much utility, but I find it hard to believe a lot of people (most?) don't do it purely for the dopamine spike and subsequent internet "clout" they get. I played the shit out of Phantasy Star Online, WoW, and Warframe and while I had some fun I definitely regret spending so much time on them and I'll never play another MMO or live service game because at some point it just ends up feeling more like a job than something actually enjoyable.
  5. Speedrunning is the dumbest thing ever. While I can appreciate the amount of work it takes to become one of the "the best" at it... funnel that energy into something else ANYTHING else. You could become an incredible musician or a master (insert hobby here) in the amount of time you spend on 1 single game. I have to imagine at some point after you move on it leaves you feeling empty inside, like how Michael Phelps talked about wanting to unalive himself after the Olympics were over.
  6. Hawks get Bedard let's fucking goooo! Was worried there would be very little reason to wat h or be excited next year.
  7. Hockey is easily the best sport to watch and it's even better in person which isnt true for most American sports. Football is still my favorite sport but 3.5 hour games that are 2/3rds commercials ain't it. I love basketball too but the endings are so damn anti-climactic and officiating determines the outcome far too often.
  8. Bro what? You guys focus way too much individual characters the story isnt about Cloud just like xii isnt about Vaan. The story is about the corporatons/government destroying the planet. It's not going to win any Oscars but it's a hell of a lot better than most of the FF stories
  9. I didnt say it had the best sales or won the most awards you are jumping to conclusions. However among FF diehards I see IX ranked in the top 2-3 way too often and most of those peoples list looks something like this: 4>6>9>>>> the rest It's fine to like the more traditional games but that's a bad take & a lot of those people are just being hipsters "I liked RPGs before they were cool!"
  10. FFIX is super overrated, it's mainly just the people who say FFIV is their favorite in the series heaping praise on it, those people seemed to despise FFVII because of the cinetmatics and the massive popularity. IX is a bit of a throwback to the older games. Having said that it is still a great game but it takes several steps backward for the series.
  11. Tons of salt and sugar is going to make you hold water and feel bloated af.
  12. What? Literally the entire pre-botw games were just one puzzle after another. What object do I need to give to this person (or song do I need to play) to progress the story? Where/how do find that object? It might not be a visual puzzle but it is a logic and context check. BotW the whole world is a puzzle. How do I get up there? The difference is that in BotW if you are creative there is often more than 1 solution . The shrines are as deep as a kiddy pool though and most of the puzzles are just rehashes of other shrines.
  13. What do you even like about Zelda games then? That's like 2/3rds of the game is puzzle solving and most of the rest is basically just filler it's certainly not winning awards for its story or combat. Breath of the wild was great because of the exploration and discovery but it's really the only game in the series like that aside from wind waker to a lesser extent but sailing was tedious and shallow. 2/3rds of BotW was still puzzle solving but the vast majority were shrines which were less engaging and less complicated.
  14. I love zelda games it's a top 3 franchise for me. At one point I considered OoT my favorite game ever and it was certainly a crowning achievement in what a 3D game could be. Without looking at it through the lens of nostalgia however its just not that great of a game anymore and I don't thinks it's very replayable. I've replayed a Link to the Past probably 15-20 times, it's a timeless classic. I think every 3D zelda game since OoT has gotten progressively worse, they're all great games but I think they were having a bit of an identity crisis in the wii/ds era (the ds games were awful) and they tried to experiment with too many gimmicks and tried to be too much like other popular games. I think BotW changed all that and they've hit their stride again they stopped trying to imitate and got back to innovating I love the direction they seem to be headed. One thing I'm not big on though was the shrines, I would much rather have 7-8 fully fleshed out dungeons/bosses than the shallow one off puzzles strewn about.
  15. I grew up eating fast food like 4-5 times a week, now that I'm an adult I dont know how I ever put that shit in my body. It tastes absolutely awful, all of it, theres not a single appealing option. I will have it like twice a year on a road trip or something when I have basically no other options and I still regret it every time. Obviously it's not healthy and last but not least it isnt even cheap anymore. You're spending $10-12 on slop.
  16. This is my most anticipated game after FFXVI and Tears of the Kingdom. Game looks amazing, not a fan of the handler class though. Variety is good I guess but it seems pretty lame and I hate relying on ai.
  17. How tf does Sega have a billion dollars laying around? Also didn't angry birds fizzle out like 5 years ago? I am so perplexed.
  18. What specifically did you not like about it? Again it's my 2nd favorite in the series and my only real complaint is that the story kind of goes a bit off the rails near the end. It's a nearly perfect game and the only complaint I ever see/hear is "Squall sucks" or that he's emo or some other bullshit.
  19. Joycons are cheap pieces of trash. Split pad pro is fantastic, it's just a shame none of the 3rd party options have gyro.
  20. Jibberish plot and bad VO are just expected for a JRPG, when you play one that doesn't have a terrible story it's a pleasant surprise. 7 and 12 are the only ones that had a good story IMO. Definitely agree on the linearity though, by far my biggest gripe, the world just wasn't fleshed out enough.
  21. https://www.metacritic.com/game/playstation-3/final-fantasy-xiii 83% and even if you want to go by user score it's still 7.1 (and that includes a lot of 0/10's from angry nerds). It's a solid game it was just very disappointing given the incredible precedent other games in the series had set. A lot of people also say FF8 sucked and I will fight them to the death because that's my 2nd favorite in the series and one of my top 10 favorite games period.
  22. No sorry just directed at all the hate in this thread. I only quoted you because you said 13 was a blunder which I disagree with. 13 was disappointing mainly because the high standards set by its predecessors it's a good game that just didn't live up to its full potential.
  23. 13 was a good game beyond linearity and lack of good post-game content, anyone arguing the combat is bad has never played it. Their excuse for making 13-2 and Lightning Returns was "Japanese people love lightning!" but we all know it's because they were badly struggling financially and needed to reuse assets. 15 was a mess again due in large part to financial issues as well as having no vision and being scrapped and rewritten a billion times. It was in development for 10 TEN! FREAKING YEARS! That is never a good sign. The most recent things they've released 7 Remake and all the 14 DLCs have been massive critical and commercial successes, how many games do they need to make before they're considered a good developer again? If you think 16 is going to be bad you're just wrong, it will be a GOTY contender.
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