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Everything posted by thedarkstark

  1. I got it from a 3rd party wholesale site for pretty cheap I will post impressions later. I have a pretty beefy rig but only 16gb ram will be interesting to see how it runs
  2. My home is made of cardboard, but a home nonetheless. RNGesus do your thing.
  3. I do call out those shameless cash grabs like you mentioned, I was blasting TLOU even though it's one my favorite games the price is insulting, ditto for skyrward sword. For the record I wasn't implying that you specifically were a fanboy more that Nintendo often is able to skirt criticism because for many people they can do no wrong. People on the switch subreddit were straight up claiming joycon stick drift was a myth for like 2 years and it's infuriating.
  4. How long ago was that texture pack made? Just in general I think "remasters" are the biggest scam going in the video game space besides the obviously predatory loot boxes/gacha mechanics. It's crazy to me that anyone would pay $40 or defend the price point when things like Resident evil & final fantasy 7 remakes exist & cost a mere $20 more. Also as we know this will never go on sale, it will be $40 forever because Nintendo.
  5. The game is 21 years old, they threw some new textures on it which mod communities do for free for innumerous pc games. It is not worth $40 but people will buy it because it is nintendo and rabid fanboys will rush out to felate their favorite corporate overlord
  6. HoA is a scam. Unless you plan to infiltrate and dismantle it from the inside you are now a part of the problem.
  7. That's a consequence of numerous factors: Thr rise in general gaming popularity (it's way more mainstream now then when most of us were growing up). Pandemic + lockdown + surplus of disposable income. And finally ps5 shortages, as ps5s become more readily available the gap will only widen.
  8. Let's be real this has a lot more to do with microsift sucking & bringing nothing to the table than sony doing anything spectacular. MS put all their eggs in the xbox live, halo, gears of war baskets 20 years ago and they've never really shifted any elsewhere until very recently with game pass and the purchase of Bethesda. Once starfield and other heavy hitters come out we might see a bit of a shift but I think it's too late for them to recover this console generation.
  9. Breaking news: games that run poorly on high end $3k+ machines run worse on $400 handheld hardware In other news water is wet, more at 11.
  10. Chapter 18 now, the difficulty really spikes around chapter 16 (on hard mode at least). Going to have to spend some time on skirmishes, buying upgrades, and forging weapons. Up to this point I hadn't done much min/maxing but it's starting to become necessary.
  11. I'm on chapter 16, the story sucks but gameplay-wise this is the best game since Awakening.
  12. When I found out donkey kong was in fact NOT a donkey
  13. Fair enough, yeah that would definitely make the game significantly easier so I stand corrected.
  14. Was that patched in later? I haven't played since week 1 or 2 of launch
  15. Rogue legacy 2 despite being more forgiving than it's predecessor and some other games in the genre is still incredibly difficult I would never ever recommend it to somebody who doesn't care for roguellikes and is "bad at games" It's a fantastic game but definitely not for everyone. I think dead cells is probably a better place to start for someone wanting to dip a toe
  16. You recommended rogue to somebody who said they're not good at video games? You are sadistic.
  17. I'd describe it as bullet hell (enter the gungeon etc.) meets metroid prime.
  18. I usually play Hard/Casual my first time through. It's challenging but I don't have to restart a 45 minute long mission if I get a bad dice roll near the end.
  19. So I was pretty close, just a shade over 15% have 32gb+ that's a relatively small percentage. There's nothing wrong with games requiring more and in fact I encourage it if it means they can take some stress off the video card, cpu, or reduce load times, but again until now nothing had existed to necessitate having more than 16gb.
  20. I obviously haven't played this game yet but I think it proves how flawed the video game review process is especially for a game of this length. I see a lot of people talking about how this is a step backward from 3 houses and the most common complaint being lack of RP between missions and I wonder how many of those people actually completed the game and/or did NG+ because that shit gets incredibly tedious later on and if you choose not to do it it significantly handicaps your party. I liked 3 houses it was great but I'm glad I actually read the reviews because the things everyone seems to dislike about it is thing that I think is a HUGE step in the right direction.
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