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Everything posted by thedarkstark

  1. You realize Metroid Prime came out 21 years ago right? Only 4 years after Ocarina of time... Are you skipping the dialogue? The NPCs will guide you if not outright give you the solution in most cases.
  2. If it actually plays like the footage (I have serious doubts) it could be promising. I will assume that was a 100% scripted sequence with no actual gameplay until proven otherwise Edit: apparently the studio making this a mobile game developer... So yeah this is going to be a steaming pile of shit. Cool trailer though!
  3. Too much pre-rendered/scripted cutscenes not much to get hyped about. Spiderman looked awesome though and I couldn't be more hyped about Ff16 than I already was prior to the showcase. Phantom blade looks like it has some promise but I want to see actual gameplay not whatever tf that was.
  4. Is snake eater a full remake? If so I'm fucking hyped one if my favorite fanes ever but it was severely hampered by ps2 hardware and dated controls. Not sure if it can maintain the same magic without Kojima at the helm though.
  5. Mine still says "started 9 days ago" I wish it would update, I'm curious how much time I've put in, it's gotta be close to 50 Edit: it just changed to 75 hours or more I still have sooo so much left to do, this game is addicting as fuck.
  6. I was a server and a bartender for like 5 years never smoked or drank at work. Sometimes it was great other times it was absolutely miserable. Definitely never had PTSD though. I had a few experiences I still remember many years later but I never really thought about work after clocking out. The job is thankless, incredibly stressful at times, the money is usually not great but it wasn't the most stressful job I had, not by a longshot. I would say most of my stress at that point in time came from worrying about making ends meet and keeping a roof over my head during the slow times. A lot of my coworkers were high or drunk and I really didnt care at all, I was more amazed at their ability to keep it together while being high as hell.
  7. 🤣 seriously? Fuck Monster cough medicine tasting bullshit. Glad they're making another though will definitely pick it up.
  8. I unlocked wind, fire, and water temples but havent started any of them yet, will probably wait until I have a nice big chunk of free time. I'm going to spend some time in the depths I only have 2 batteries and I want to start making some of the cool shit everyone else us making.
  9. I prefer pc too but mainly because I will always "own" the content in my steam library and if I want to play 15 years from now I can without needing to repurchase or dig up some old hardware. PC games are cheaper too. The extra fps & better graphics is an added bonus. The only games I wont ever buy on console are shooters because fuck them sticks. It's a bummer that you feel that way because you are missing out on some gems.
  10. If it bothers you that much I don't see how you can play much of anything, a lot of games still cant even run at a locked 30. I like playing at 165fps but 60 does the job just fine. You can complain about it if you want to but I don't think you'll ever be happy because developers are always going to be pushing the limits of hardware and graphical fidelity which will always come at expense of performance.
  11. They've already said it will be 60fps. Even if it wasnt who tf cares? If nobody specifically pointed it out 99.9% of people wouldnt notice. As long as combat doesnt drop below 60 it's going to be buttery smooth.
  12. Fenyx rising was an obvious BotW rip off but it was a very fun game, wish they'd make more of those. They also should've stuck with the original title (Gods & Monsters iirc)
  13. Hot take but GTA is trash. You're told exactly where to go, 80% of the game is fetch quests. The 2 biggest components of the gameplay loop driving and shooting mechanics are some of the worst in gaming. The only redeeming qualities of the game, great music and voice acting. Doesnt matter though because the story is cookie cutter bullshit. Vice City was just a straight copy/paste of Scarface.
  14. Bacon you're wrong, I dont even like open world games but botw was incredible. Like others have said the magic is in just go do whatever the fuck you want, go wherever you want. Give a controller to a person who has never played a video game, within 10 seconds you'll hear "why can't I go there?" We as gamers have come to expect invisible walls because we know "the rules" of video games: time constraints/budget etc force you down a certain path. Botw and TotK say FUCK THAT, you see it you can do it and the only thing stopping you is your imagination.
  15. Link to the past > Link Between Worlds > OoT > BotW > Wind Waker > everything else. When I finish TotK I'm pretty certain it will be 1 or 2. It will be hard for anything to top LttP, I replay it every year or 2 I've beaten it easily 10+ times it just holds up so well. The soundtrack is awesome most of the newer music in the series is just remixed versions of ones that came from LttP.
  16. Other than the rare Large Zoanite most of the stuff you get from chests is pretty useless. Most of the ones with better weapons/shield have it right at the end next to the blessing. If beasts had it in BotW I doubt they'd get rid of it for TotK.
  17. This might be the best game ever. I've played in the neighborhood of like 50 hours and I still haven't even done ANYTHING with the story quests, like literally I got off the tutorial island and did the story related stuff at Zoras domain. My main complaint is the UI is trash, I really thought they'd overhaul it from BotW considering how much you need to use it in this game. Scrolling through 900 items to find the one you're looking for really breaks the flow of combat. They also REALLY needed to add loadout swaps and I'm dumbfounded as to how that wasn't included.
  18. The first thing I always do is unlock a bunch of towers it reveals the map and offers significant mobility so that you're not constantly trying to navigate hills and valleys with low stamina. I haven't gotten to a single dungeon yet but I've gotten all but 2 towers so I can move around easily and keep track of things better with pins & stamps
  19. This but not a remake, just make a new game like Link to the Past & Link Between Worlds. Nothing from SNES era needs a remake, those games still look and play great, it's a timeless style. Even Links Awakening didnt NEED a remake, would have rather had that team working on a new game in that same style.
  20. The Nintendo switch subreddit is the worst place on the internet, just a massive circlejerk. This game is incredible but people act like they were personally involved in making it.
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