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Everything posted by TheBladeRoden

  1. Muggy but so far not as miserable as when the AC was completely broken for a week in June.
  2. If 40 people feels normal and 40 cats feels like an infestation, at least they nailed that part of catness https://www.youtube.com/FtSd844cI7U?start=132
  3. Are you telling me all they needed to do to render decades of stealth stuff useless was to try a different frequency?
  4. We need SNL back for a week just so Jane Krakowski can play this part in the debate sketch.
  5. If elections are good enough for State AG's and State Supreme Courts (debatable but I don't have any better ideas), then they are good enough for national level!
  6. Fired 12 years ago. 4 years ago if you count getting "fired" from the job placement agency.
  7. 16oz margarita and I'm upset because I barely got a buzz but still got a hangover.
  8. Every time I hear it in my head, the Overwatch medals screen pops up at the end
  9. I just did a double feature of Infinity War and this after having only seen 1/2 of the Avengers so there was a whole lot of but they were still enjoyable. People seemed to go through most of the nit-picks but I haven't seen these yet.
  10. Ghost Palpatine tries to turn Rey into his new physical host, I'm calling it. A red and blue one to drive the point home What I want to know is how does an Outer Rim reboot have a bigger military budget than the original Galaxy-sized government? I demand a scene addressing the First Order's hyperinflation crisis in the next movie The Endor Holocaust is real! https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Endor_Holocaust
  11. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-47891737 And the title is pretty much all the info I have.
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