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Everything posted by BloodyHell

  1. Having to do side missions to get to main quest levels is terrible, inexcusable game design. It was absolutely terrible when I played it. At one point I had to grind 7 levels to get to the next story mission, and I quit. No Buenos.
  2. Im not a fan of Tamoors either. He seems to think he's exceptionally funny and profound, and is all around annoying. Im pretty much done with GB. Nowadays I listen to Sacred Symbols, Defining Duke, and Lord Cognito's Lords of Iron podcast. Great gaming podcasts with excellent casts all around. Kinda Funny is terrible now, they do the same show every single day. Easy Allies is unwatchable without Ben and Jones. Spawncast can be ok when Dreamcast Guy isn't on it. The ign podcasts are all pretty bad too.
  3. Well, that was a bad choice from the get go. Sony never said there would be BC, and people have been speculating for a while that it wouldn't. Im sure many of them will get upgrades though. Sony's track record for BC has never been great. Seriously though, I'm not the least bit surprised. I also don't really care, personally, but I get why it pisses others off. Im sure everything will be ported. People insisting that backwards compatibility should be easy are way off the mark though. Move controllers are almost 15 years old, they are fancy wiimotes. Maybe im wrong, but I don't think its simple to go from that to controllers actually designed for VR, created with the hardware. Last time, it seemed the headset was created around the controllers, instead of Vice versa. If the price isn't ridiculous, im in for sure.
  4. Why do you keep restarting games? Just pick up where you left off. It's understandable when it's been years, but not when its a few months. Just pick up where you left off, and you probably won't keep falling off it. Either way, enjoy, it's a good game.
  5. Sure, maybe not THE problem but she's the leader, and was responsible for for fixing whatever the real problems were. It's clear she wasn't capable of doing so. This isn't the first screw up she (her as the leader, not necessarily that she screwed it up) has on her resume. Halo 4 had a lot of problems Halo 5 was extremely disliked for a bunch of reasons, and the MCC was a broken mess for years. At some point, someone else needs to be brought in to see if they can improve the situation. I definitely don't think this is a bad thing. Theres no acceptable excuse for Infinite online still being a hollow experience. I really can't wait for Forge and split screen coop.
  6. I mean, a bunch of people still think Jax Teller is a hero. Walter White is beloved. Humans aren't that complex, we like characters who entertain us, and do things we would never consider. I don't think it says anything about moral character, because it's always the least moral people trying to stop others from watching that content.
  7. This is the first time "trump appointee" has worked in favor of Trump. It's clear this judge has to go, that doesn't change that tons of trump appointed judges have ruled against him, over and over.
  8. I'll give you a point for being right about this one, single thing. Every name on that list should have been investigated. Other than that, you sound incredibly angry and hateful. You should see a psychologist, therapy helps.
  9. I mean, except that its extremely likely he gets indicted. The appeals court will absolutely overturn this judges order, they just need to go through the steps correctly. Trump will be indicted, but nobody is going to go ahead until the case is airtight and they have all the facts.
  10. I got sucked into destiny 2, and it was far easier to get into than I expected.
  11. My pharmacist says six months after last booster or infection. There's definitely no consensus, but no way am I doing every 3 months. Get it to a year, and ill keep up on boosters.
  12. Why can't it be, "Short Live Charles the 3rd." God, I hope this fool doesn't make it to 96. Glad im gonna be fishing bass for the next nine days starting tomorrow. I can miss all of the royal bs. Just stand on the bow of my Tracker casting at fish who won't bite.
  13. Odyssey was good, but its not even close to my favorite AC, and it had major progression problems (side content was necessary to level up to progress main story content, and I despise that). Personally, I think the series went downhill after the Ezio trilogy, and the last couple just didn't feel like AC to me.
  14. Best game from last gen was Witcher 3. TLOU2 comes in behind GoW and Ghost of Tsushima,with Spiderman as a close 5thth.
  15. Shares are nothing like an outright purchase. Comparing the two doesn't work (until it's a hostile takeover, but its far from that).
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