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Everything posted by BloodyHell

  1. But the reason they went with was "The other elves will think you're in line with me", which is the worst possible trope of all, and keeping it from them is the thing that will actually make them lose that trust. It feels lazy, imo.
  2. I mean, its a bit reductive to say "He does cool shit, Galadriel sucks. I honestly don't know why they need to be compared. I think RoP is a better show, either way. It has nothing to do with the cool shit, she's had the coolest scenes in the show. It's the secrets and hidden shit she keeps that bothers me. Hiding the truth about Sauron. I just don't like her character development so far, or like them less than others. As far as Daemon, I'm not really a fan. Frankly, I like HotD less and less every week, especially since the actor switches for Alicent and and Rhaenyra. I'm not nearly as in love with it as the general public is. I dislike most of the main cast.
  3. Buffer zones? Against protests? I generally don't agree with these things. Not because the idea is bad, but that a right wing government is sure to abuse abuse power in the future. Im also, generally, against restrictions on free speech.
  4. They really do treat Galadriel like an idiot. As much as I love this show, there is some terrible character development, with her as the main culprit.
  5. I started S2 a couple of nights ago. Honestly, I don't love it, but the wife enjoys it.
  6. Oh, wow. I mean, I suspected, but that early fake-out, before blowing their load. I was into it. So many good choices (and one or two bad ones), and such a beautiful world they've built. Two years...
  7. Im absolutely fine with paying to watch this.
  8. Lol, it might become purple someday, but not blue. Texas will have elected Republicans across the board federally when the votes are counted, and that's not changing soon.
  9. Im just repeating what I heard a lawyer say on msnbc. He can't discharge the judgements, but it is likely to be whittled down to 7 to low 8 figures. I guess we'll see, but I hope cnn's lawyers are correct.
  10. It means very little until appeals are done. This will cost him in the end, but it's not ruinous judgment people think it is. He's only responsible for less than 9m of the 50m from the first trial, and I expect the ultimate end of this trial will be about the same. I'd be fine with hanging him in the street and splitting his assets among the families.
  11. Have you ever used a vr headset? Honestly, an hour is the absolute limit I want them on my head. They are amazing gaming devices, but they aren't something you can sit down and play for hours on end. Or at least I can't.
  12. So whats your solution when the law says these restrictions are legal? You're upset about the right things, but upset at the wrong people. Don't agree with sbl that its easy to register? Thats fine. But he's not the one you need to convince. I doubt he's out scaring away voters on election day. If you don't get out and do grass roots work to get democratic voters out, the situation won't get better. Join an election team, call people, knock on doors, volunteer at polls, those are things that Abrahms did in Goergia after the 2020 election, those are the things that win elections.
  13. Don't believe everything you read. Thats almost assuredly nonsense. He's old and has false teeth or some kind of implant, but the idea it's from coke is absurdist theories best left out there with the nonsense we make fun of the right for believing. I believe trump takes prescribed uppers, but the man doesn't even drink, he sure as hell isn't snorting rails.
  14. finally a democrat attacks a Con on how much they debase themselves for Trump.
  15. At its most basic level, the hardcore Tolkien people are mad because none of this is canon. Then the racists are mad because they are racist. Some fall in both camps.
  16. Not that huge, because im sure daddy Biden will use his power to make the strike illegal, since he's such a union guy and all.
  17. I can't imagine giving money to one of these pacs. Or any politician. I'd love to see dems sweep the country, but I wouldn't give them a dime.
  18. I mean, its not like 10k lb hummers will be everywhere. They aren't everywhere now. Electric has so far to go before its viable for Trucks. Ford's Electric batteries last about 100 miles while towing, which makes it completely worthless compared to my GMC Duramax Diesel. I can't even take my bass boat out to our cabin without charging before I get there? Or haul our Opus 15? That's ridiculous. When I've got enough range to tow a minimum of 300miles without charging, ill consider switching to electric. Until then, Ill stick to Diesel.
  19. Just really can't find myself getting excited for this one. Something about the stuff I've seen just doesn't do it for me. I felt the same about GotG, so hopefully im wrong about this as well.
  20. Yeah. I have four friends I've been playing with, and the competition has been terrible. They either, as you said, attack one at a time, or they bunch up somewhere and let me lob Pharahs rockets at them. Also, people need to learn to kill the healer. Working together we pretty much walk through most maps. I shouldn't be getting 10+ kill streaks every game. Competitive is a bit better.
  21. I have so many problems with this series that im not sure I'll bother. Sad, because WoT is my favorite fantasy series.
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