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Everything posted by BloodyHell

  1. While Trump deserves prison, I'd settle for destitute. Fine the company into ground, then take his assets to pay his debts. I wonder if Maralago is privately owned by him, or if its a company owned property?
  2. But that isn't happening, so maybe people should be realistic and find other solutions. Private gun ownership isn't going anywhere. Banning assault rifles is a fairly popular idea on the left, but banning guns isn't. Tens of millions of dems own guns too. It would have almost no public support (and probably be the start of even more violence, because trying to ban them would be seen by many as the tyranny the 2nd was created for.
  3. Exactly, like I said in my first post, absolutely nobody should be prevented from playing rec league sports, but that maybe trans women shouldn't be taking scholarships from biological women or spots on collegiate and professional teams. The idea of separation by height and weight instead of sex just doesn't work, and suggesting it shows how little people understand sport. Put Mugsy Bogues in his prime in the WNBA, and he'd dominate it. Mugsy is 5'3. And then, what about fighting sports? Do we allow them to box against other biological women? Fallon Fox, almost completely untrained, went 5 wins straight against fighters who trained their whole adult lives, before one of the best in the world in that division (Ashley Evans-Smith) finally beat her. I'm definitely not claiming to have all the answers, but some of the ideas in here are way, way too far out in left field, and are clearly by people who have never competed.
  4. I mean, facts are facts man. Serena Williams was beaten 6-luv by a guy ranked 203rd who smoked cigarettes while he played. Nobody is arguing against the dignity of trans people (obviously there are definitely monsters doing that, but they would do it about anything), just for people to recognize facts about human anatomy when it comes to competitive sports.
  5. That biological males have naturally bigger lungs, hearts, higher red blood cell count, and wider, thicker hips and more dense musculature if they have gone through puberty. That trans women should be welcome in rec sports, but competitive womens sport should be the sole purview of biological females. Every year, hundreds of High Scool boys runners beat the womens 100m world record.
  6. Opinion | The CDC admitted its Covid failure. Monkeypox should be next. WWW.NBCNEWS.COM After Covid, the repetition of these public health missteps does not augur well for the future. but they are making the same mistakes with monkey pox right now. Terrible messaging.
  7. Isn't actually asking people to commit a crime actually a crime? This nutcase says she's had talks to be trumps running mate. That would 100% guaranteed sink that campaign, so please be true. Even in the GOP, a lot of voters hate these weirdos like her, Boobert, and Gaetz.
  8. Edit: someone already posted the banana republic clip. They aren't sending their best!.
  9. Another reason for me to dislike Limited Run Games. Still waiting on a replacement for my Castlevania collection ultimate edition which was badly damaged on delivery.
  10. Agreed. Switch is the only console I buy physical games for. I just don't trust Nintendo, at all. Their track record for accounts and purchases is terrible.
  11. This game is a lot of fun. I don't think it will hold my interest for very long, because im playing a ton of other stuff, but it's a cool game, and great on the deck. I wonder if the reason it wasn't on the Steamdeck front page because it isn't Steamdeck verified? Because I had the exact same experience, but when I look on my PC, it's right on the trending games.
  12. Well, it's awesome it didn't get delayed out of this year! Honestly, Id have been fine with December, because I have a ton to play in September, October, and November. Definitely looking forward to this.
  13. This is frightening. I can't imagine something the fear of something like that. Helpless in the dark.
  14. The fact that he thought he could threaten to slaughter the FBI and nothing would happen is crazy to me. Although, look how many Americans, on both sides of the aisle misunderstand the first amendment. A lot of the left think it doesn't include hate speech (hate speech is terrible but I also don't want the government deciding what is and isn't hate speech), and a lot of the right thinks it has no limitations at all. Its a complete failure of the education system, but also a failure of the whole western world to hold ourselves accountable for our actions. Everyone loves having a boogeyman to blame for their lot in life. I don't know anyone who is actually happy with their lives that acts like these people.
  15. Actual geniuses. Imagine if Al Quida had this type of brain power on 911? America would have been completely destroyed! "HURR DURR! Lets do a terrorism!"
  16. None of those are as fun or interesting as Spiderman, imo. I can't speak for splatoon, that's a series I just don't care about, but I prefer SM to the rest. It's just pure joy. There was never a time swinging where I wasn't having a blast.
  17. It is absolutely the best traversal mechanic in a game, ever. No superpower, vehicle, or any other movement has felt that good, except maybe Tribes, but that was extremely niche.
  18. I mean, they absolutely recovered. Gamepass is growing like crazy, and they bought two of the most important publishers in gaming. They definitely had problems this year with delays, but Microsoft has an absolutely incredible pipeline. They are getting all of the press love now, which was unheard of two years ago. I honestly think people are too bullish on Sony's future. PS Premium has nothing on GP, imo. I have them both. Day and date first party is incredible, and I think people are underestimating how big 23 will be for MS.
  19. Play it on ps5. The new character model is way better anyway. But i believe it's changed in both versions (but im not positive of that).
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