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Everything posted by BloodyHell

  1. Rings Of Power Showrunner Reveals Season 2 Will Take A Couple Of Years To Finish - FandomWire FANDOMWIRE.COM Prime Video’s The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power may take a year or two before the second season arrives, according to showrunner Patrick McKay. not the best news. Too long between seasons might really hurt interest.
  2. Lol no. Kim K has enough security to protect her from a loudmouth rapper (post robbery). I doubt he gets anywhere near her unless she specifically allows it.
  3. Its certainly not bad, just bad storytelling. Otherwise I'm enjoying the shit out of it, it's my favorite new show by far, which is saying alot, I wasn't that impressed with the first few episodes.
  4. Yeah, this seems all red herring to me. He also shares ringmail on his sword arm with Sauron from the movies, and I still think it's to throw everyone off.
  5. I gotta disagree. You can't base a character off of future character development. That article isn't the first to talk about the "Galadriel problem". There's something missing about her, it's like the story is something that happens around her, while other characters feel like they're driving the plot. Man, the actress who plays her is distractinly beautiful. Like, when I think of a perfect elven woman, she's pretty much it. The last two episodes were a blast to watch though. I can't wait to see what happens next week. I gotta think we finally see Sauron, and please don't be Harlan. If they make Harland to be Sauron, and He and Galadriel have an affair, im gonna be pissed. Not only that, her Husband isn't dead, and we know Elves can sense each other across Middle Earth, so she'd know he isn't dead. (He leaves Middle Earth in the 4th age).
  6. The first 24 hours was bad. Ive had no trouble since. No qeue bigger than 599 after that, so far. None at all Last night.
  7. I don't think there was anywhere near millions playing after a couple of years, and I think you're underestimating how quickly in drops off. Overwatch Live Player Count and Statistics ACTIVEPLAYER.IO On this page you will see Overwatch Live Player Count or the players currently playing the game. How many players playing it on a monthly average... 5-600k average. Which is still great, but it isn't big enough to increase servers they won't need very soon.
  8. Martinet does weird noises and sounds for him. It sounded fine, and looks absolutely fantastic. Im looking forward to it.
  9. Its not qeue times. The natural lifecycle of most games in the zeitgeist is less than 2 weeks. I believe the drop off starts within 10 days. Thats why games like ER, WoW, Fortnite or CoD are so different, sustained growth for months is incredibly rare.
  10. Yes, but caused by recession, not slowed subscriber growth. Xbox might be best positioned for it with gamepass, as people pay 20$/ month instead of 70$ a game with less disposable income.
  11. I mean, they aren't going to make servers for current capacity, because in a week or so they wouldn't need it. Millions are probably playing right now. People will drop off and itll be fine.
  12. Enjoy, it's fun. 2 new heroes are locked in the battle pass, but all overwatch 1 characters are free.
  13. Overwatch 2 and Grounded with friends. Im also near the end of Trails of Cold Steel, so I might play a bit of that.
  14. This game is incredible, outside of the queue problems. Bought the BP last night. Currently level 11. 5v5 makes it less frantic, especially without knockback. My girl Pharah is still a hottie boss, and my girl mercy is nursey badass. Tank, ive switched from playing Reinhardt to playing the 4 legged robot lady.
  15. No, he didn't say everyone with a lot of kids were psychopaths, he said Psychopaths tend to want to breed (which, I guess is our most basic instinct) prolifically.
  16. I get his bigoted shit getting him no Sympathy, but man, it's easy to troll some of you with the more minor stuff conservatives do. Those smaller things wouldn't be so prevalent if people didn't go so ape shit over silly stuff like stickers, and making fun of the president. The anger I saw over the stickers and Let's Go Brandon seemed ridiculous. Especially after 4 years of all of us making heinous jokes about them, constantly. As far as trolling goes, the stickers were minor. I mean, I'd also like to say fuck this kid. Preferably with a rusty pipe. But still, those stickers were a great troll.
  17. That's not going to happen. Like seriously, the SC are definitely ideological conservatives, but they care about their own agenda. Yes, they absolutely have an agenda, but its not Trumps, and they don't give a damn about him. Except maybe Thomas by proxy of his crackpot wife. None of them care about him or want to give him any standing. They already got what they needed from him. They've already dismissed and refused to hear cases by him, because he's irrelevant now that they have a majority.
  18. Its literally "lightening bad". Nobody wants them except you, and EVERYONE has USBC cables. They come with everything. I can't even fathom why it would bother you, they aren't making you add it to your current devices. Why would you care that your next phone has an objectively better cable format? The amount of people upset will be completely insignificant.
  19. Lol. Lets not pretend PP is some extremist. He's a Rockerfeller Conservative type. He's a long, long ways away from being anything like Trump. Aside from being Christian, He's at best center right. The Canadian left comparing him to Trump is absurd.
  20. I mean, I hope you're right, but 538 doesn't show that. It's looking like a dead heat by polls there. Of course there's two years, and hopefully Trump is convicted AND buried before then, but I think Trunp has a very real chance of winning again. "Biden smokes him" sounds a lot like 2016, except that Hillary had wider polling margins. And if recession worsens by then, its real bad for dems (even though its not the fault of democrats, they still get the blame as the party in power).
  21. I mean, theres no context to take it in. Legally, it's not a threat. We know what he meant, but its not a specific threat.
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