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Everything posted by BloodyHell

  1. More sustainable than it is for writers and scale actors trying to pay for rent and food. Starving out a strike definitely is a time tested strategy for these bastards. They’ll just flood our screens with more reality tv and cheap, thrown together “documentaries” (like the Depp v Heard one Netflix just announced), collect money off subscriptions to the tune of billions at greatly decreased costs, and wait until the poors can’t not make a deal. the only people who can wait this out are the top actors/directors, and I imagine they are a tiny fraction of these unions.
  2. Lol like what? Refusing the manufactured goods that we desperately need and can’t produce on our own at reasonable costs? the answer to climate change needs to be technology to clean the atmosphere. While I have zero idea how possible that is, this pie in the sky zero emissions, end oil dependence thing is completely unrealistic, and most countries aren’t even trying.
  3. When someone says to kill everyone who doesn’t support green policies, that means they want war. That’s what I was responding too, so yes, someone did. So does the USA get to build a superpower on mass pollution and environmental destruction, then get to tell others they can’t have the same? its not being obtuse to say that other nations are not going to willingly cripple economic growth to please a few western nations. there is no other way to force India/China (used as an example because they are the largest pollution creating economies) to meet climate goals. the world can’t be saved by North America and Europe going green (not that it means we shouldn’t). So if you have ANY solution better than war, I’d love to hear it. Asking nicely certainly isn’t an option. and we still haven’t studied the effects of micro plastics in oceans and shared water sources, and the effects that will begin having on life.
  4. So, the left wing position is what, then? The subjugation of every country who won’t fall in line with their climate goals? what’s the solution? It’s not recycling and solar in a few first world countries, that’s for sure. Theres not enough minerals to realize the electric car push with current battery technology. India and China especially are increasing output of greenhouse gases at unprecedented rates. im not pretending it’s not a problem, but world war to prevent world war seems a bit backwards. Its a problem with no solution, because no upcoming nation is going to cripple its growth because the superpowers of Europe and America say so.
  5. I think you’re giving too much weight to progressive “lip service”. He did a few progressive things that he knew was setup to fail imo (like student loans forgiveness) but he hasn’t even tried to fill most of his progressive positions. 15$ minimum wage comes to mind. He abandoned that before he was even sworn in. And I’m not trying to say Biden isn’t better than Trump, Trump is human trash. But his actual policies and voting history certainly don’t stray far from Republicans. Frankly, I have no use for him or any official who voted for forcing the Railroad Workers union back to work without 7 days leave. That one disgusts me. And that includes the so called progressives who bent the knee.
  6. What in Biden’s legislative history makes you think Biden’s policies would be very different than Trumps? to be clear, im talking policy here, not rhetoric.
  7. I think episode 2 this season was the best of SNW so far. But I agree the crossover was excellent
  8. I gotta say, this weeks episode of SNW was pretty damn good. This and episode two of this season are by far the series best episodes. I loved S3. S1&2 were awful. I personally love all of the TNG era trek. I still think, at its best, it still holds up today. Episodes like Inner Light/Far Beyond the Stars/In the Pale Moonlight/Yesterday’s Enterprise will always be yop tier television. Picard and Disco never got anything close to that. SNW has gotten some special stuff though.
  9. Yeah, but the people seeing “crafts” from fighter’s definitely aren’t that, as there is video of the phenomenon. I definitely don’t believe any government has aliens, or alien tech, but we can rule out cognitive problems under G’s and duress when talking about these craft they are getting videos of.
  10. Who are you going to behead? This can’t be fixed unless China/India/Russia/etc also want to tackle it, and they just aren’t. For every ton the western world stops producing, they’ll produce 10 more, because they need the economic growth. pretending this is something that can be legislated just doesn’t hold water.
  11. I mean, Picard S3 is far and away the best season of “New Trek”. SNW has been very good, and LD is fun, but none of them come close to Picard S3. Discovery has just been awful all around. None of them come close to DS9, which is only surpassed by B5.
  12. I watched it. It’s ok at best. It’s literally a kids show, about kids. None of that is interesting to me as a trek fan. i get I’m not the target demographic, but they obviously didn’t watch it either.
  13. Eh, kill it. Kill discovery. Move ahead with a 25th century live action show instead.
  14. Maybe don’t ise her as an example of a good person. She certainly wasn’t a leftist in any way whatsoever. Mostly, she was a christian extremist. Sure, she worked with children and the sick, and she also abused them in many ways. She’s exactly the type of person the right wing likes. Forced baptisms, withholding proper medical care, all kinds of awful stuff she was responsible for. Criticism of Mother Teresa - Wikipedia EN.M.WIKIPEDIA.ORG
  15. And people wonder why PC gamers were fine with a timeline where Steam rules the PC world.
  16. Ticketmaster/livenation is far different than this. There are still other major competitors and platforms in the video game market. There was never a chance of the FTC winning this, which is why they tried to run out the clock instead, only filing the lawsuit for a PI in early june. Lina Khan has embarrassed herself again and again. There was never a point where they would win in the US. The trial was ridiculous, wirh the judge having to remind the FTC that Sony’s dominance isn’t a concern of the court. Then rhere was the FTC trying to pretend there was a separate market for Nintendo, which is also completely ridiculous.
  17. The only valid point you have is 3 and 5. 3 because Phil has spoken about about wanting to revive a lot of dead IP. 5 because, yes, Sony has had it too easy. Everything else is nonsense.
  18. This isn’t new news. It was originally going to be “Fighting Fantasy”, which is a godawful name, so thankfully it was taken.
  19. Nah. It’s not even close. I’ve played almost all of them, and none come near to Arise. Symphonia definitely has to be looked at as a product of its time, but that game is still incredible.
  20. I mean, it’s absolutely a true numbered sequel. This is the same nonsense people said about XI and XIV not being numbered FF, when they very clearly are. it may not be traditional, but it’s absolutely a numbered FF.
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