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Everything posted by BloodyHell

  1. Colin Moriarty destroyed this guy in an interview, by asking questions, and then asking follow-ups, like an actual interviewer. Dude just kept digging his own hole with every question. Colin didn't even have to get accusatory, just continue asking.
  2. Im finally getting to this now. Just started it yesterday. Game constantly reminds me I want Old World ASAP.
  3. FFVIII combat? Did you play a different FFVIII than me? FFVIII was very turn based. No, all FF numbered titles are separate, only connected by staples like chocobos, moogles, crystals, jobs, summons, etc etc.
  4. Just ordered Age of Darkness box set. It's about damn time they released Horus Heresy in plastic. I hate working with resin. Ive been wanting to paint a Night Lords army for a while. Time to find out which purplish colors and shades I want to use. Working on War Dog Karnivores today, as I have the house to myself all weekend. Finished magnetizing all my knights and sculpting bases, now its time to start airbrushing the bodies in Leadbelcher.
  5. RE4, Calisto Protocol, Call of the Mountain, FFXVI, some incredible indy games. I literally don't know what more people could want. They were very clear there wouldn't be 1st party exclusives.
  6. https://youtu.be/p3vf67ChfN0 TYT does a good job with it.
  7. I watched quite a bit. There was almost no evidence presented of his abuse beyond hearsay. She had pics where her cheek was a little red, and experts showed had altered metadata. There were multiple audio and video recordings of her admitting to abusing him, taunting him. The worse thing against him was a video of him slamming cupboards, and same terrible words, but no evidence of physical abuse. As far as the throwing shit at the defense, it's the job of a defamation lawyer to destroy your opponents credibility. They did that, but she gave them that power with actual evidence. Ambers insistence that only she was telling the truth played really badly to the jury, and some of her experts made things really bad for her. Others pretending Depp won despite evidence is nonsense at best. "Tell the world, Johnny! Tell the world, you, a man, were abused! See who believes you!" "I didn't punch you, I hit you" "i can't promise I won't get violent with you again" (while begging him to come back after she was "hitting" him. I don't necessarily believe Depp is innocent of DV, but she sure didn't prove it at trial.
  8. I beat the game during open beta, and got into prestige levels. Aside from a battle pass, there was no need to buy any currency or anything. Not sure how much it changed.
  9. Highly doubtful. Maybe a cg teaser trailer, but zero actual info. That game won't be here before 2024, at the earliest. I expect FFXVI release date though. Seems the game is finished, and the release trailer was "held back". I really hope so, anyway.
  10. Im looking forward to Rogue Trader. Shootas, Blood, and Teef looks awesome, October 20 looks like a good day! And Space Marine 2... I want it so bad, but I expect a long wait. They didn't show any new footage at all, just stuff from the vertical slice we saw at Game Awards. Seems it's very early in development.
  11. I really need to replay the original. I put a damn lot of time into that game when it was new. The online was a blast, but I really need to replay the campaign.
  12. This is a good thing, but will it hold up? My wife's friend keeps honey bees, and they are quite an incredible species. I don't know a ton about them, but working with them is a ton of fun (with a suit, not all crazy person like my wifes friends, who just wear a face mask), and they need to be protected if we have any hope of saving the environment.
  13. You're pretending the evidence presented hasn't been massively in Depps favor. I have zero doubt that there is no "good guy" in this, but the actual evidence and testimony was so one sided, I don't know how a jury comes to any other verdict.
  14. GoW is also part of the ps5 collection, so it's not the first time they are giving it out free, but it definitely seems like they are greasing the wheels for release date. I need to replay it before Ragnarok releases. It's my favorite Sony exclusive. Spiderman is a close second.
  15. Didn't they only show a very short clip of a canoe ride? Not saying you're for sure wrong, but seems like a stretch to say it'sPokémon snap (god I hope it'snot Pokémon snap). Did they show more than that?
  16. Its a constitutional right. The government making arms artificially harder to get would be infringement. It's quite simple. And today's Supreme Court would gut it immediately. It also has nothing to do with hunting, which I often see people reference. But firearms are the right, not hunting. Hunting was never a consideration of the framers decisions on the 2nd. No, it would require a constitutional convention, and that requires agreement of 2/3 of congress and 3/4 of states (or vice versa, I forget) to agree, and that most assuredly won't happen.
  17. This. The basic story was actually interesting, but the writing and execution are absolutely terrible. The dialog sounds like a robot wrote it. He lives in a desert by himself, in a planet on the Rim, nowhere near where the Empire generally operates. That's why the planet was run by Hutts, instead of an imperial overseer. I would say it's very possible that he hasn't seen a piece of imperial propaganda since he brought Luke to tatooine.
  18. No idea why, but I thought that was releasing this month. Now that I know I was completely wrong, I'm sad I don't get a new Sonic game this month.
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