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Everything posted by BloodyHell

  1. Except the company that designed and created the OG was Armalite and named it after themselves. 😜 so that actually makes more sense.
  2. I mean, i don't care how they want to classify the rifle, I would call it a sporting rifle, it's not select fire. Im fine with calling them assault rifles. But the AR in AR15 is for Armalite.
  3. racoon+attacks - Google Search WWW.GOOGLE.COM Believe whatever you want. Aggressive Raccoons – Toronto Wildlife Centre WWW.TORONTOWILDLIFECENTRE.COM https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/toronto-reports-spike-in-raccoon-attacks-and-appearances-warns-people-to-stay-away Edit: last link seems to have gone missing
  4. The misinformation about this stuff is bad. Like the ar15. Im fine with banning them, but can the left stop making fools of themselves talking about the mechanics of thr gun. One politician shared a drawing. A person shot with a 9mm, and a person shot with an AR15. The person shot with the 9mm had a small hole. The person shot with the AR had half theit body gone. If you're going to call for banning them, at least understand the facts of why they are so deadly, so people don't treat you like an idiot opportunist. The AR15 Isn't popular for its stopping power, it's a .22 caliber. Its dangerous because of its large capacity, dependability, muzzle velocity, and its ease and speed of magazine swap.
  5. They aren't that harmless. They have a high incidence of rabies and ither disease, and can do a ton of property damage. They are also a very violent animal. People's misunderstanding of them gets them hurt. Common Infectious Diseases of Raccoons WWW.ADDL.PURDUE.EDU they are considered varmint in most places, meaning you can shoot them at will.
  6. But his mother didn't drive him to Kenosha, why would she drive him to Ukraine? 😜
  7. I just think it looks bad all around. That's sad all around, because I love Sonic.
  8. They may want to, but I think the industry is done with them. It's prohibitively expensive to have a booth there, and there is no real benefit anymore. And then there is SGF and Keighley. He's (rightfully) not gonna step aside and say "Ok, E3, you were here first, you can have your slot back" I think most devs would rather deal with Keighley and his show than the nonsense and red tape involved in dealing with the ESA. It might be back, but it's not going to be what it was before.
  9. I thought the running looked weird and slow. Definitely weird and slow. Wrong thread, maybe?
  10. Man, I can't believe how bad this game still is. They have barely updated anything. Although I seem to remember reports of the team not wanting to add wanted features because it wasn't their vision or some nonsense like that, and Epic basically having to force them to do it. Either way, their only chance is F2P.
  11. That's a lot of nonsense. If it wasn't mined as you got it, it was mined in the past. There is no excuse for supporting this stuff. It's bad for gaming, gamers, and the environment. It's literally only good for the people at the top of the pyramid scam. The idea that gamers are going to make money off this is ridiculous. Thankfully, the whole NFT market looks like its on its way to oblivion. Edit: didn't realize how old the post was.
  12. My biggest problem with odyssey was the forced leveling between main missions. I hated that. I thought Valhalla handled it a lot better. But Kassandra is definitely the best choice in that game, by far.
  13. Oh ya, honestly, prices are out of control on GW's stuff. I bought a new compressor and iwata airbrush last year. Best hobby purchase ever.
  14. Ya, thats the end of GB for me. Gertsman announced the Jeff Gertsman Show and patreon on stream.
  15. Its been a constant. Monthly restock of new models has been extremely consistent. They make their own plastic, Bandai doesn't, at least I don't believe they do.
  16. The tanks will be back in stock in like a month. It never takes that long.
  17. Can't wait to get the box set. I'll wait a bit for kratos tanks. It's already gonna take all summer to finish my knights and this set, plus im also waiting on squats, so im sure that'll cost. And they are showing new Imperial Guard units im going to need for my guard force.
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