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No Idea
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Everything posted by stepee

  1. I think that the title here is incorrect, they didn’t really explain why at all here.
  2. lol at people acting like they never attempted to rape a girl in high school. Things happen, boys will be boys.
  3. Hey the 2080ti finally hits 60 on Andromeda! But yeah, lol. If these numbers hold up, it’s exactlt what I wanted to see, put in any current game, turn up all the settings in 4k, and good to go at 60fps. I plan to oc it more than they do in the stock, so should eek out a few extra frames on things like tomb raider, again, if these are accurate.
  4. https://videocardz.com/77983/nvidia-geforce-rtx-2080-ti-and-rtx-2080-official-performance-unveiled Nvidia numbers from their reviewers guide, so grain of salt and all that. But if that is about correct, then things look pretty good.
  5. Agreed, they are short and I quite enjoyed them and they get better gameplay wise later especially a really fun part much later on.
  6. I think that’s part of why I like it (auto acrobatics), sometimes you’ll be swinging and do the zip to mark move and you’ll end up going horizontal through some structure to slip through and it looks soooo cool.
  7. I just mean the overall feel of it, to me. Trust me, I’ve played a lot of 2! I’d probably just rate them both 9.8. But I feel ya, can’t wait to see what they add to the sequel to make it a 10
  8. I can’t really argue this because they are both fantastic and Spider-man 2 is one of my all time favorite games. I don’t exactly disagree especially the moves you mentioned which I did miss (also charging up the super jump as you run up a wall to leap high off of it) but I think it comes down to preference. I played a bit of 2 a couple days ago and while it does some things better as you mentioned I think I still prefer the new swinging just because it feels faster, smoother, and easier to move around and look cool. They obviously took a lot from Spider-man 2 so I think this is still good critism because hopefully these are moves they will add to the sequel which would then make it absolutely perfect.
  9. It’s kind of not fair because I feel that spider-man is an inherently more fun character to play as. I did find it slightly odd some of the critism that it received that Arkham seems immune to. There isn’t enough of Peter Parker! Eh, first off that is incorrect if you beat the game and secondly Peter is present aproximentaly 500x more than Bruce is in arkham. Secondly, the city is full of animation but there isn’t much depth. Ok, I feel that, I think a lot of that is hardware limitations. But! Arkham conviently gets rid of all citizens via narrative, at least there ARE people here. Beyond that the combat is simply better. Not just because how smooth it is in comparison, but also how fast it is in comparison. I always hated knife enemy’s in arkham, honestly the fights ended up being work some times. Not the case in spider-man, it’s always fun and you have a lot of options that are quick and feel good. Story wise, the story makes sense and is memorable and elevated the franchise. Arkham..does anyone remember much of that? idk. Anyway, ya, I like it more.
  10. Spider-man 2 has long been one of my favorite games because it was just so fun to swing around. I suffered through terrible sequel after terrible sequel over the last almost decade and a half. Hoping a game would match that and get it right again. When I first heard Sony was going to make a Spider-man game made by Insomniac, the best developer for the job, it seemed like such a pipe dream come true. I was sold as soon as I just heard that. So the best thing I can say about this game is it still exceeded my expectations. If GOW didn’t exist, this would be my GOTY so far.
  11. Just beat it at 91% (left some crime missions for an excuse to go in as I wait for dlc) and man they fucking nailed this. After seeing the ending and all, I can say for sure this is by far the best Spider-man movie. And yeah, some of the best mechanics you can play. There better be a sequel.
  12. Not without downgrading the graphics anyway! Can’t wait to see it in quality mode at 60 soon!
  13. legend obviously has ZERO clue what he is talking about.
  14. Yes, there is. quality option at 30 and a performance option at 60. At least on the X where I tried it. Meanwhile I can’t wait until hopefully late next week when I can try it at quality in 60fps! Game is prettttty.
  15. Can’t wait to be very disappointed when they show off new 3ds games that really should be on switch instead.
  16. Yeah salisbury steak and mashed potatoes tv dinner once a month or some nes games and online? Nice try Nintendo, I’m not about to starve.
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