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No Idea
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Everything posted by stepee

  1. Man we better, I’m hoping that this updated shipment means we get them ON the 5th. It’s fucking fall nvidia, give us our shit!
  2. Sounds promising! Thank you for mentioning me, checked my email and saw that it’s been so long the authorization on my card expired and has to resubmit
  3. Order Status: Processing (ALLOW 1-2 BUSINESS DAYS) Boxed Shipment What does yours say?
  4. I tried to upvote this twice but it wouldn’t let me
  5. I’d go on a rant about how under appreciated what you do is, and knowing you love helping people, how sad that is the case. But I’m just too worn down from today’s events. Bless you and what you do, seriously.
  6. Best wishes towards you that it happens, really hope it does. Not just for my favorite game, but you know, in general.
  7. Oh, well that sucks. Maybe you both could play it in your own time and talk to each other about your unique choices? That’s about as fun.
  8. Oh my God, you guys will love it! Dooooooo it. Have I not pushed this game enough since it became my goty?! Its seriously so good, and is going to be so fun to play with your husband. Im not shy about it, it’s my game of the gen so far and I’ve probably given like 20+ copies of it out and bought it on every platform including the ce just to own it and support them. I...kinda like it.
  9. Out now FYI. @johnny I only played a bit today, will probably finish in a day or two I’m sure. Feels already happening. @Mr.Vic20 Win2 stuff I tested/wrote up: A lot of normal resolutions don’t work full screen, and you lose a lot of frames borderless. I set to 700x400p and that works full screen with a 133% scale which should be about 560p. AA on high as there is little cost, everything else on medium besides draw distance and shadows on low. Great iq like this. Portable LIS 2!
  10. I’m aware of that, I meant it’s not good that he thinks that way when he’s still likely going to be a sc justice.
  11. With the Alexa addition can I connect it to a dot for voice commands?
  12. In my top5 of all time, but I have other ways to play it and don’t see a real reason I need this on ps4 in particular. Put it on switch and I’m there. I am glad to see Konami at least remembers the franchise exists either way!
  13. Yeah, I watched that and was wondering wtf was my Dad demo’ing Days Gone at TGS.
  14. It is incredibly painful to watch. He can’t answer a direct question without going off on some unrelated tangent. Almost all questions he didn’t even let get asked and instead took the first 5 or so words the person said then went off on some weird rant. NYT asks how the supposed chinese election interference compares to the russians in 2016, 5 seconds later he is talking about farmers. Trump says that him being acused affects how he views the allegations against Kavanaugh, a few minutes later someone tries to ask a follow up regarding that, he says it’s fake news that he said it. Ow.
  15. Unless I try ray tracing at 4k! Ill probably beat it before that patch tho. Was really hoping to play it this week but sadly looking like another two weeks now.
  16. I just got the same email. Shipping “by” Oct 5th which means it’ll ship Oct 5th to arrive the following Monday. The most offensive is the email headline saying it’ll be shipping soon! I saw and and got excited only to see the same Oct 5th date.
  17. Hm, I don’t have a promotional tab in my email but I checked inbox and junk and did a search and didn’t see anything, nothing changed looking at my order status either. Hope that means Im somehow even later than that even though I was just about 5 minutes behind you! Ugh, Oct 5th is bad enough as it is! Fall has started and I need a gpu in my desktop damnit!
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