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Everything posted by stepee

  1. Sony also gives QD money and time to use their work in advertising the PS systems graphics capabilities because their games look amazing in clips and screenshots. They are ok with just “good” sales with them and I’m sure will be happy to throw money at them again and will be showing off some tech demo from QD in the ps5 reveal.
  2. So happy to hear things are starting to get back on track! Best wishes to you and your family and happy holidays!
  3. @Mr.Vic20 Patch is live! DLSS actually exists! Edit: Playing a bit and it’s quite impressive, overall performance seems 60fps average as stated with all nvidia frame killer stuff on and settings on max (including turning lighting to highest which the highest preset doesn’t do) But average of course doesn’t mean constant, I found that turning off nvidia vxao gives you a constant 60fps even in the rain/crazy lighting/tons of enemy’s situations. The good news is, I tried noticing the effect and I can only barely almost sorta see it? Takes up like 10-12fps so it’s much better having that extra overhead to keep it 60fps constant instead of average.
  4. 1. God of War 2. Red Dead Redemption 2 3. Spider-man 4. Celeste 5. Astroboy 6. Super Smash Bros Ultimate 7. Ys 8 (switch) 8. Hollow Knight (switch) 9. Forza Horizon 4 10. West of Loathing Will have to edit order (especially if ys8 and hollow knight don’t count) and I’m sure something gets bumped once I get to AC Odyssey. Also enjoying Just cause 4 a lot and who knows maybe it could sneak in. Same with Tomb Raider and Pokemon let’s go. Smash I’m pretty sure will go up the list. Thats about my list in order so far though. Thinking about it now it’s actually been a pretty great year for games.
  5. So you are going to decide this based on if you want to add a game to your list or not? :P For me it will change my list because of Hollow Knight and Ys8 on switch. Also since they redid the translation this year for Ys8 this year seems to be a proper year to include it. Hollow Knight is also now officially “complete” this year. I can see it being too late to add Okami HD Switch, however.
  6. Do games that released this year on switch but came out another year on another platform count?
  7. Hopefully the patch is later today! Finally something playable with DLSS! Though I wish it was Just Cause 4 or Tomb Raider instead since I’m actually playing those..
  8. Yeah gaming laptops still get pretty hot/loud. i got a lap rest for mine that has two fans that blow upwards powered by the usb on the laptop that I like. It props it up a bit so the fan isn’t right on the floor. You might like something like that, it was $20 or so I think. If you are hearing the noise try lifting up the back a bit and see how it sounds quieter, that’s what a good rest could do.
  9. Wow, it’s already out? Seems like it was only yesterday that I never heard of it!
  10. I disagree, from the trailers, MUA2 looks like it has a lot more random slow motion cg moments imo.
  11. I don’t even care too much about some of that but the DATE your other accounts were connected? Bitch, I don’t know.
  12. I don’t know about any of that. We are playing online on discord the last few nights and it runs great.
  13. This game is legit. Getting new characters if ofc addictive as hell, and online ran smoothly tonight besides niggles having network issues the first match and me taking a poop while in spectator mode which made my switch go to sleep canceling the room.
  14. Na, I only play on tv, hoping those comes out next year and nvidia adds support (lol). But for some reason it didn’t seem to bother me in BF5, could be I was too busy looking at all the pretty and will end up doing a 30fps lock on it for sp.
  15. I somehow avoided hearing the term too much also, had no idea it was considered common. I had to verbalize it in my head to even connect it to its meaning. I can’t recall ever reading it here especially, but maybe it’s just thrown around casually every so often so easily missed.
  16. Just tried it, and yeah not damn at that 4k boost! I was probably averaging around 45 (I have mine ocd tho) in what has been the roughest part in my testing which is the opening of the first war story in autumn. I did notice some dips there from 60 but it was mostly 60 still and the other maps/stories I tried weren’t as demanding so it looks like they hit their mark! I think i might actually play the sp in 4k with rtx on, and be okay with the mid 40’s because my God it’s stunning!
  17. Hoping ubi just does DLSS, I wouldn’t even want to see how rtx would perform lol. But the exciting thing for ubigame is they could actually run at 4k/60 easily with DLSS!
  18. If the FF15 benchmark is standard as to what DLSS will achieve it should be huge as long as new games start supporting it on release next year. It’s not a small gain, it’s like 20-25fps depending on what settings I used.
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