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Everything posted by Spawn_of_Apathy

  1. Doesn't matter if one thinks he deserves to die, it is inevitable. Cancer or no cancer. Everything and everybody can and will die. "How soon" is the only variable.
  2. When they spend the last few decades being and supporting demagogues, it is hard to find compassion for them. The older I get, the more I hate Republicans. I hate some liberals and members of the Democratic party too. At this point Republicans (officials and the electorate) deserve the same level of spite as a member of the Nazi party.
  3. My One X acts like the Wifi does not work from time to time. I just choose the reboot option from system option, which is the same as a hard power cycle of the system. When it finishes booting back up it connects to my wifi again.
  4. Like they were afraid of the radical Tea Party element rising, and before that afraid of the radical christian right evangelicals. ...I sense a pattern of emboldening irrational fringe elements by pandering for the sake of winning elections, despite the damage they do to the Union.
  5. The whole movie Mark Whalberg sounds like a guy trying really hard NOT to have a Boston accent.
  6. Mile 22 6/10 It is like 16 Blocks if you did not care about anyone involved. Action is ok though.
  7. For food I tip if the food is delivered or there is table service prior to accepting/signing for payment. I do not add a tip I pay in advance of food, or I am doing carry out. Sonic used to pay their car hops like waitors, so I would tip them, otherwise they were only making like $2.15/ hour. Now they make at least minimum. They also do not wait for a tip either, practically throwing your food into the car window. At hotels I leave a tip of a few bucks each day for the cleaning staff, with a little larger tip the day I check out. When doing a city tour (like a Segway tour) I will tip the tour guide if they were particulry entertaining or informative, like also recommended other good attractions or places to eat. Before I started shaving my head I would tip the girls that shampooed and cut my hair.
  8. They've gone from No collusion, it was about baby adoptions >> to we were just getting dirt on a political openent, perfectly legal. >> to we wanted dirt on an opponent, they wanted to talk about adoptions, no collusion. >> back to no collusion.
  9. LMAO I just knew it was going to be that into song. I feel like that is the most popular anime opening song, as it gets used quite a bit in youtube videos. Good stuff. Man, there is so much to grind for right now, but at the same time I just feel so bored with the game with the current content. I wish this grind existed before. It's like I played a ton already with minimal reward, and now there are cooler rewards if I just grind away for another 50 hours doing the same activities in the same places I had been doing for months already.
  10. Nostalgia is a big factor in keeping that from happening. While others you can feel how far we have come. I remember the XBL Arcade version of Perfect Dark felt so weird and clunky to play, but after a patch to add modern controls it felt fine. Destroying my memories happens far more with movies and shows I watched as a kid. Like the 90s Xmen cartoon, or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3. ... so bad ....
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