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Everything posted by Spawn_of_Apathy

  1. If your approach to teaching kids about relationships is "who sticks what, where", then you're a terrible teacher and parent.
  2. Texas is also a Republitard state. We could find out Cruz personally mailed all those out while trying to have sex with a 12y/o girl, and he would still be within the margin of error with Beto in polls.
  3. So Mueller and the Democrats are working together to hurt republitards in the midterms is not collusion, or Trump issuing an order to Mueller and Democrats not to collude?
  4. Played the demo last night on both graphic modes. I am not sure I can list in detail the visual difference, but my eyes could see something was missing in 1080p. I will probably play in 4k as well.
  5. I guess the thing about that is to the MAGA crowd, Trump's people may be disposable, but they likely feel Trump is either innocent, or should be immune. If the investigation was "Trump or bust", the approval of the investigation within his own base would never go up.
  6. Well the investigation is starting to pay off with guilty verdicts and people pleading down. This contradicts the "witch hunt" label, adding validity. If we were still waiting on trials and indictments then the approval for the investigation would be much lower. The investigation into Clinton only resulted in a perjury charge due to lying about an affair, which most Americans didn't feel like that was worth all the investigation or the impeachment proceedings.
  7. Vote for by people where Taco Bell is their only option for Mexican food.
  8. Yeah, no. Had he shot her he would have been charged to the maximum extent of the law. If he wasn't killed in police custody.
  9. Can Texas have one politician that doesn't make me feel shame.
  10. Not true. State Media got a bunch of great photo ops and sound bites to fuel their propaganda machine.
  11. No mention of updating to reduce the need for master work cores. I am not going up in power level because the gear I am getting is garbage minus the higher level, but without hundreds of cores I cannot keep infusing, or to master work something. ...if time gating powerful engrams wasn't bad enough to slow progress. Bungie really has no clue how to have a progression system with levels.
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