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Everything posted by Spawn_of_Apathy

  1. Typing "doughnut" is a waste of precious time. "Donut" is for important people, with important stuff to do with their time.
  2. You've never needed this much RNG luck to get a subclass to unlock, as you need to get a seed of light from Blind Well tier 2. First you need the RNG that you find a Blind Well populated enough to even do it, then you need the RNG that upon successful completion of the tier 2 activity it actually drops for you.
  3. Reading the article, they have taken legal action to recover much of the money, and even won a civil case awarding them over $2m plus lawyer fees from the former assistant. However the con man has been mia, and anyone that has gotten him to write a check has had said check bounce.
  4. Next update will be the FBI is not allowed to investigate if kavanaugh ever successfully or unsuccessfully used his penis in the 80s.
  5. That is incredible. I'm not racist, I just have racist thoughts, say racist things, and my behavior is directly correlated to those thoughts. I mean, really?! Wow. That is some cognitive dissonance.
  6. And there are about to be 177 new employees not making games for Xbox One.
  7. Maybe Gillum can host a "lock her up" rally in the panhandle with Hillary as special guest to be booed. The crowd will be confused and vote Gillum thinking he is a Replitard like them.
  8. So 1 under performing movie does not a career ender make. Who'd a thunk it. And even with the manbabies crying over Last Jedi, it still made a billion. I want to see their tears over the news. I want bask in the warmth of their nuclear option to "boycott" episode 9.
  9. That camera work is shitty. Where's a CNN reporter to stand in the middle of the street while a steady cam is pointed at them, when you need one?
  10. They should have lost any self respecting woman years ago. And who knows, maybe they already have. That being said, they'll lose some votes (temporarily), but they will not have lost women for good.
  11. I deactivated my FB over 5 years ago. I bet I am safe, but it is good to know the company is hard at work meaningfully trying to improve their reputation.
  12. I mean they wiped that future, but this Jean Gray is the same Jean Gray as X3, just younger, at an earlier point in her life. So the Phoenix is still just Jean Gray dialed up to 11. So I understand why Phoenix saga movie would still have that same plot point. It is still stupid though. I would rather they just not do this story again. It is still a turd.
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