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Everything posted by SimpleG

  1. I wouldnt live in duplex/tr/quad if someone paid me to but I can see the need for it in some areas.
  2. "For instance, forums and other social media-like tools—a cornerstone of Steam—won’t be part of the package. Galyonkin said that this is because “not a single developer I talked to wanted forums” and “the toxicity it brings,” preferring to interact with communities on their own terms on platforms like Reddit and Discord instead. “That’s why we won’t have forums on Epic Games store and will start with a ticketing system, so gamers can message devs about their problems instead of review-bombing them,” said Galyonkin." The store isnt for the developers , its for customers. Now I am not heavy Steam forum user but almost every time ive hit a bug or an issue running a game Ive found the answer there. I want to see bad reviews especially if its because the game is broken. This ticket shit hides that.
  3. Just an FYI,that article is bullshit. He had nothing in is Library other then Anthem. https://www.twitch.tv/smokethrone/clip/AgitatedAttractiveTeaNotATK
  4. https://www.engadget.com/2018/12/09/street-fighter-v-ads-december-11th/
  5. More launchers means dealing with shitty storefronts and the bad return policy that comes with them. Multiple friends lists with multiple achievements ( for those that care ) list become a hassle to deal with. Steam makes every other store front look 3rd rate at best.
  6. Sounds like new guns come with “timed” assignments , not looking good. The spot bug may also not be fixed until January. i have deleted the game until they fix the bug and do some balance patches.
  7. Sounds like its not https://www.cbr.com/netflixs-canceled-marvel-shows-disney-plus/
  8. It meets the definition of "Milk", so no issue with it on my end.
  9. I dont think there should be a limit, vehicles need to be hard to take down but they should have a minimum 3 man crew required to drive ,repair,shoot.
  10. $35 a month plus at least a 50MB connection just to do "4k" thats overly compressed,data caps for some could be an issue,lag,MP games will never happen,someone else in the house decided to watch Netflix and there goes "4K" not to mention you are remotely logging into a PC and supplying that PC with your Steam,Uplay, whatever with your credentials. This shit needs to die. Or just take the money you save on a slower connection and with $35 you would spend a month and buy a damn console.
  11. The bombers are currently over powered. A single bomber pilot can swap seat to the rear gun and it out guns the planes, swap to the front, repair and repeat with bombs until the match is over.
  12. They do, the fourth season had been pitched to Netflix and they declined. Viewership is down, I think this just case of Netflix moving on.
  13. Sounds like your photo's do a damn fine job of capturing your family essence. Embrace it and enjoy.
  14. I walk the same line calling it "Horror". The film has such a general unease quality about it, it almost feels like a gothic horror.
  15. It kinda is, it slowly builds and then throws the viewer off a cliff, twice. The viewer wants to know how the "monsters" all fit in to this story and then the not so great reveal. But then it leads the viewer down this path again only to shit on them even more with an even worse twist. All of this combined with Shyamalan over reliance on the twist make for a bad film.
  16. Just an FYI the game currently has a bug where killing an enemy will spot you on the map. DICE says it wont be fixed this patch.
  17. It can look good but PS4 Pro seems to have some real aggressive adaptive resolution that turns it into muddy mess. Also because the you can swap clothes sometimes character models like this The clothing looks weird and bad fitting Dice took the time to put women in the game but just dressed them in the same size mens clothing,its not terrible but just very un polished.
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