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Everything posted by SimpleG

  1. Not to be an ass but https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theatlantic.com/amp/article/264449/.
  2. Its bad because hes going the wrong way, always punch up , never down. You punch down and you look like a bully and it comes off wrong.
  3. I always yell " DO YOU HAVE DEMENTIA OR ARE YOU JUST LOOKING FOR A COMFY PLACE TO GET HIGH?" before firing on intruders breaking into my garage.
  4. Game is short There is board missions for mods and materials, that are are just "go to location,kill X". The arent necessary , they dont really do shit for the most part , its just filler crap. They dont add to the game in any meaningful way, it feels like a bullet point.
  5. This is a game that for me could have been an easy 9 or 10 but instead it shits itself with some mind boggling ideas. It feels like someone was added to the team 1/2 way thru development that had way to much control ,was at the opposite end of the spectrum and was actively trying to sabotage every good idea.Its so damn video gamey at times. The story and lore is great and the little pieces of info you find around the world works well together. Its surreal and twin peaks style gets mauled by the MC's ridiculous inner monologue , its out of whack with the premise and so unnecessary. Remedy is at the top when it comes to gun play and you know what this game didnt need ? A million mod drops that are worthless and having to farm in certain areas to get drops.This isnt Destiny or BL, I dont give a shit about a 2% increase in something much less sorting thru a full inventory every few mins to clean it out.No one is doing a "build" in this game. All the really good encounters are side shit that people can miss and every mandatory one feels like generic filler.
  6. I cant fathom how people do it. From the time it comes out of the case to the time its unloaded and put away , I become hyper aware of it and everyone on around me. Its such a determining factor in everything I do , that if I did get CC I would stress out with a heart attack.
  7. Id do it if I was you, dont want the servers to run out of files on release day.
  8. This kills me every time someone complains about this section of the movie. Its real simple , once Neo finishes the 11 herbs and spices , the 2 piece and biscuit is complete and it re enters the program thus starting the Matrix over.
  9. This idea has been kicked around forever. Forcing someone to do something hardly falls under the "invisible hand". And good luck with forcing insurers to cover people.
  10. Regardless of how lawful they are , insurance co. will see people in those areas as a larger risk due to the increase in chance of firing the weapon.
  11. Water. I get more then enough protein from daily meals.
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