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Everything posted by SimpleG

  1. Console makers and game dev/pub are always pushing the boundary of whats ok and if you dont push back it gets normalized Remember when the world was aghast with Horse Armor? Now that shit is an almost every game except now you buy a spin with a chance to win that armor Loot boxes are such a norm now that some devs dont consider them DLC Remember when beating the final boss unlocked new characters Now we have fighter packs PC players used to get updates with free maps and levels but not any more Witcher 3 got a massive internet circle jerk for doing something that was norm not so long ago
  2. Has nothing to do the with the conversation at hand but keep on flailing I agree its a great deal for PC users
  3. Its less the 5 bucks and more how this action ripples across the entire gaming universe. If console gamers had given MS and Sony the big fuck U like PC gamers did when it was tried on them we wouldnt be having this conversation and y'all wouldn't be ok with console manufacturers selling you a system Rent a Center style.
  4. This is your issue, you look at on line service as some kind extra perk when it not. This isnt sirus radio , this is using your speedometer.
  5. Seems like waste, they know console user will take a money shot for a cheap low monthly fee.
  6. You really are terrible at this What car company or dealer chargers a monthly fee to use a basic function.
  7. So they recoup the cost of hardware on game sales and then hit your wallet again so you can play the same game you just bought on line Sounds like a braindead moron thing to do
  8. Win 10 can be dl for free and used without activation but you get a small watermark on the corner. Steam has family sharing but I ve never used it.
  9. I paid nothing for my win 10 i am not talking about purchasing the game. If I get gow on game pass I pay less then you do just because MS has decided console gamers will take it in the ass because that’s the way it’s always been.
  10. Ms isn’t getting any of the money i spent on my pc. Using your logic I should pay more because I coming in spending zero and you spent $400.
  11. I Have a pc and dL gow and pay X price but you have xbx1 and you pay more , for the same thing. that’s crispy argument.
  12. But MS isn’t charging more if I have Xbox and you have x1x though. It’s the same damn service . There isn’t a tier service based on quality if there was I might agree with you.
  13. This a terrible argument, the price difference you pay on console vs the price on PC isn’t subsidizing to make up any difference. We are both paying access the same games . Can you imagine the shit storm if Netflix or Redbox charged based on how much you spent on your TV.
  14. Just tried the PC game pass beta Me:Log in Windows:Need to update to security credentials because its been awhile Me:Update info Me:Click beta join Windows:Sorry you have to wait 30 days because you updated security
  15. John Carpenters Prince Of Darkness The film is the 2nd part of Carpenters "Apocalypse Trilogy ".One of my top 10 horror films. It has it all, great soundtrack,sweet mustaches, Donald Pleasence as a priest,Egg Shen as a new age college professor, green slime in jar, and Alice Cooper as deranged homeless guy. I had to import this as Studio Canal didnt release it in the states. Image- The 4k bump is nice adding those great subtle details , special effects and make up look fantastic with HDR adding nice reds and greens. Sound- Front heavy DTSHD 5.1 is good and the soundtrack is on point.
  16. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/uncharted-movie-release-date-set-december-2020-1216444
  17. God I can smell that thru my phone it’s a combo of dirty ass, ball funk and just a hint of mild blue cheese.
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