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Everything posted by Rev

  1. Fatz was one of the best posters here imo. Too bad about his side hobby.
  2. Ohhh yeah, not sure how I forgot that.
  3. I heard they're still together too but haven't talked to either in years.
  4. Yeah, I just meant she's older now so maybe she's ready to settle down. That's all.
  5. Never know. We're all older. I've been with my wife for close to 5 years now.
  6. I only really like white wine for the most part. I don't like sweet drinks in general. I also only like really dry ciders.
  7. I've been a (white) wine-o lately. Right now, I'm drinking the timeless classic Trader Joe's Blended Scotch Wisky. It's as good as Jameson imo but a third of the price.
  8. This actually looks really good imo.
  9. Twitter totally blew up with people gleefully mocking the nerds who criticized this reboot for not being sexy or revealing enough. I had to dig pretty hard to find anyone actually criticizing it.
  10. She should have just stayed in it and not given into this bullying authoritarianism imo.
  11. I just rejoined the other day and leveled up to max level (110). It's neat. About what I remember. They also have "timewalking dungeons" where for a week or whatever an old expansion's dungeons can be queued for. And they fix it up so it's actually somewhat difficult for max level chars.
  12. If the latest expansion still costs money, this doesn't really change much imo. Especially if it's 50$.
  13. I have shitty fashion sense but the tie thing kills me. Should be just past the belt.
  14. Oh, yeah, this specific problem can be overcome probably. I was trying to make a broader point about the ultimate nature of technology. At its core, its function is helping people get what they want easier, and if the people can get what they want locally, then it's much more difficult for the government and law enforcement to keep its hands in. A huge landmark would be the ability to generate energy without having to be connected to a power company for instance. And 3d printing will likely get worse. Once you can buy a 3d printer that manages multiple types of material including steel, you'll likely be able to create almost anything you want through your home for pennies. So I'm saying this is just the beginning. I think it might be a tractable problem, but our current government institutions would make a huge mess out of any attempts to regulate anything this unprecedented imo.
  15. I'm not sure I totally follow what you mean but I agree with the end. We don't have stable intelligent government institutions to figure this stuff out right now.
  16. As we get closer and closer to a technological age of abundance, people will have easier and easier access to what they want without government involvement across the board. This kind of thing will get much worse imo. Would be nice if we had stable, intelligent institutions that could find novel ways to adapt to it.
  17. I always want it just because for some reason whenever I'm craving pizza, that pepperoncini they put in the corner of the box always sounds fucking amazing.
  18. I absolutely loved it and my wife laughed so hard, I was almost worried about her.
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