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Everything posted by Rev

  1. Well the forge is a pretty quick trial so I can understand them not giving powerful gear for just a wave of it, especially if it's repeatable for that gear. I really think they should have just made a trial forge that maybe gives one powerful reward a week but that unlocks the black forge and lets you finish the story. Then you can come back later and try to beat the harder forges at your leisure. Hiding the story behind content people can't do for a couple weeks is just super bizarre imo.
  2. I think they should have had a kind of trial version of the forge meant for uncoordinated PUGs and had that be what unlocks the story and content. Then they could have real versions of the forge that were as difficult as this one too but hiding the story behind this is pretty shitty imo. I took a day off work for release just to find out I need to spend a couple weeks farming to even have a chance of unlocking the new content.
  3. I got all my powerful rewards for this week (except the raid) on my hunter yesterday and got to 608 light. A few other people in my clan did the same and got less. Hopefully doing the raid will speed things up some.
  4. I feel bad for people watching mysteries in 10 years. The villain will always just be the only guy with no traits in common with any perceived oppressed class.
  5. I would be upset about the lack of variety. It's really a crime to miss so many other fantastic games imo.
  6. Since this is the Internet, I'm just waiting for someone to come in and call bullshit.
  7. I absolutely loved the first Darksiders. Like a cool, darker, action combat version of Zelda. But the second one felt pretty tedious to finish and it sounds like this one is even more of a departure from the first one so I'll pick it up when it's 85+% off.
  8. I got this from my mother-in-law's kitchen. She doesn't drink wine so it's apparently been just collecting dust in a cabinet for almost 10 years. Think it'll be any good? I don't know much about wine.
  9. Oh damn, and it's still on sale. Just picked it up, thanks.
  10. You might find the music annoying at first but it really grows on you. A lot of the draw to these games is the overall aesthetic imo.
  11. On Vita? P4g is really good and probably good to play before P5 so you can play it without it feeling dated by comparison.
  12. It's a very stylish, evocative game with a great story. It's got some of the cringe-inducing 'cute' JRPG sex 'appeal' but it's really dialed back in Persona 5 and the story side of it (which is really the majority of it) is very high quality imo. There's a lot of depth to not only the main story but to the story in the relationship-building side of the game. And the combat and character advancement system is really good imo.
  13. I truly wanted to like RDR2. It's just too boring for me. Constantly waiting for my character to get to where I need to be. Not just geographically but like even just moving around in the place you're at takes forever. This is more an issue with the Rockstar style I guess but it annoys me enough so that the game has to be really spectacular to make up for it.
  14. Yeah, if nothing else, I think it's worth checking out just to see why so many people love it so much.
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