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Everything posted by Rev

  1. Yeah the claim that objective reality doesn't exist runs into a ton of problems like this, but it sure is popular with those new to philosophy.
  2. Again, "it's all subjective" is an objective claim about the nature of reality. There is no getting out of this. It either is all subjective or it's not and you're purporting to know that answer. If you want to stand in uncertainty, feel free, but these claims you're making aren't uncertainty. They're extremely speculative and unjustifiably universal claims about the nature of experience and ontology.
  3. To say that the subjective nature of reality may or may not exist is to say that it may be true that the subjective nature of reality exists. But you've already established that you believe truth does not exist.
  4. No, they actually couldn't "not be true." For something to not be true, it has to be "true" that they're not true. Once you establish the premise that truth doesn't exist, you can't say things are untrue either. You cannot make any propositional claims about the nature of reality at all. Please read more about epistemology before you talk about this kind of thing authoritatively.
  5. If you think everything is subjective, then it's intrinsically incoherent to argue with anyone about anything at all. Every proposition you utter is an attempted representation of the objective nature of reality - which you claim to not be able to access. Even the claim "everything is subjective" is a representation of objective reality which is either true or false and which you can't make without having that access.
  6. "I like to make propositional claims to sound smart but I don't think they're true!"
  7. You'll see a lot of guilt by association, mind-reading and out of context quote-mining. It's the general strategy. I disagree with Harris on a handful of propositions but he's been extremely vocally opposed to racism and bigotry. He's spent countless hours arguing with people he's accused of being in league with like Peterson and Shapiro. He's also been one of the most vocal public figures attacking Trump in just about every imaginable way since 2016.
  8. He's extremely anti-racist and spends a ton of time deriding racism and other forms of bigotry. Drooling idiots in the thread are conflating opposition to religion with racism because some religious people are brown.
  9. You're making a lot of propositional claims about the nature of reality in this thread. Do you think those claims are "true?"
  10. I've never gone but I want to. I'm not super anti-gun but I'm for increasing regulation. I think gun ownership is generally a bad idea unless many safety precautions are taken. I like the idea of a "panic room" setup in a home with a well-locked gun for self-defense but I won't buy one because I've gone through a stint of depression in my life and I'm worried it may have some chance of coming back someday.
  11. From what I gather, these studies always dramatically vary depending on how the data is interpreted.
  12. Actually, I think I can say both these things too, nice.
  13. This question ripped a hole in the space-time continuum.
  14. I got a Trust today with explosive payload and dragonfly and some third perk with faster reload. I love it so much.
  15. I thought the first season was an absolute masterpiece. And I thought the second season was .. pretty good. I'm still all in for this one.
  16. I only had an hour or so last night but I did a few PUG runs with me at 612 light and we got to the boss in each of them. Lowest I got the boss was about 10% though. Should probably finish it tonight I'm sure.
  17. Well the forge is a pretty quick trial so I can understand them not giving powerful gear for just a wave of it, especially if it's repeatable for that gear. I really think they should have just made a trial forge that maybe gives one powerful reward a week but that unlocks the black forge and lets you finish the story. Then you can come back later and try to beat the harder forges at your leisure. Hiding the story behind content people can't do for a couple weeks is just super bizarre imo.
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