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Everything posted by Rev

  1. If you don't have a Facebook, then you can just create a blank one and use that, then it's the same as having an Oculus account. They have no extra info about your social media stuff that they can sell. If you do have a Facebook, then you should probably get rid of it if you dislike Facebook that much. I can understand just not wanting to support Facebook financially and not buying the Quest because of that, though.
  2. I mostly play idle gacha games and I do so while playing real games so I guess it's a different dynamic for me. I'll try this game but I doubt I'll stick around since it's not idle.
  3. Games are rated by how f2p friendly they are. Some are better than others but there are a ton of players who never spend any money on these games at all. But, yeah, if you're just like principally opposed to stamina systems, that's cool too.
  4. As an example, this is one of the main gachas I'm playing right now. The green leaf at the top is an energy refill and the horse/knight icon is my stamina/energy. It's basically always way over the cap unless I'm grinding super hard for something specific but I never really run out of leaves. I play a couple other of the main popular gacha rpgs too and they're about the same.
  5. If it's like the other main gacha rpgs right now, it'll still be very generous. Usually the way it works is, as you're leveling up, the game throws a ton of free energy at you until you end up with a massive surplus. And your stamina cap goes up as you level as well. Usually there's a secondary currency for buying stamina which the game throws at you too. I watched a short video on this game and it seems like that's the case here too. There's an item called Fragile Resin that restores 60 energy and the game gives you those as a reward for various content/quests. When gacha rpgs first came around, eg, with Summoners War, they were super stingy with the energy/stamina but the philosophy has shifted some. But, again, I'm not really sure how this game will be.
  6. I see you can request early access now. Are people already in it or is there a date when early access starts inviting people?
  7. If it's like most gacha games on the market right now, the stamina system is practically close to unlimited unless you're playing all day every day. I'm more worried about how much power is hidden behind ridiculously low-probability RNG. I'll check it out though.
  8. I've put such a disgusting amount of time and effort into getting a 3080 with no results.
  9. Does this mean Elder Scrolls will be an XBox exclusive or is it likely it'll be on PC too since Microsoft also owns Windows?
  10. EVGA on Monday sounds super promising. They said they'll have "thousands" and they'll be getting more "every few days." Gonna put my eggs in that basket I guess.
  11. It's been doing this since midnight. They tweeted that they would have some units available after midnight but it's just crashed then gone into maintenance over and over since then. No one has gotten any cards from it so hopefully they should be available once/if it gets back up.
  12. If I could sell my old one for like 200 I could get this one maybe. But my old one is only the 64gb model and there's a small crack on one of my controllers (it still works fine).
  13. Apparently Nvidia said in a forum that they're going to cancel orders made by bots and update the stock but everyone on Reddit thinks it's PR bullshit. Still a ray of hope.
  14. What are your plans for getting the 3080? I called my local Best Buy earlier and the guy said he's actually trying to get one too and no Best Buy stores in the area have any stock yet so he doesn't think they'll get any until after the launch.
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