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GPU Historian
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Everything posted by Reputator

  1. I've been wondering the same question about how female Loki grew to adulthood, but discussing it with a co-worker we came to a similar conclusion that you have here. It's very likely she was around before the merging of the timelines, and has been hiding in the apocalypses since.
  2. I couldn't watch Beast Machines when I was kid. I thought all the characters looked butt ugly, and didn't it take place on Cybertron or something? I couldn't stand it.
  3. That is DEFINITELY not true. If you're expecting a RX 570 to suddenly be a 4k monster, then yeah I guess you'd be disappointed, but then your expectations would be overblown. But so far I'm seeing old cards able to run new games at 1440p that weren't running very smooth before, and the performance uplift is over 30%? That's a huge deal for something that's free.
  4. I think Hardware Unboxed's take was a lot more fair. Ultra Quality and Quality are perfectly usable at 4k, while UQ is the only usable setting at 1440p. 1080p is pointless to use with FSR.
  5. Agreed, yes! Predacons cannot be limited to just a small number of species, no! And what of Dinobot? Is he not Maximal still? I should think so, yes! The voice acting was amazing on that show, and it would be awesome if the original actors came back!
  6. Just finished episode 2. Female Loki revealed! I think her motives are to destroy the TVA and save Asgard (or at least a version of it). I think she takes issue with them approving the destruction of it, and only one timeline (one truth) that it must be destroyed. I get the impression that's what they hinted at with Loki's reaction to seeing the file on Ragnarok. Our Loki could deal with it, female Loki cannot.
  7. I mean, it's obviously confirming the inverse. Mr. Jokes definitely goes down on it.
  8. It's already more mature looking by a mile in terms of violence, but then again the 2012 TMNT show was "for kids" and it has some of the most fucked up imagery I've ever seen in a kids show (that wasn't from Japan).
  9. It also works because, yeah, the MCU earned it through the 10 years of characterization since the original Thor, and the audience has no problem riding along. I mean this is just a condensed version of the emotions we've already seen him go through over a much longer span of time through the movies, only this time those emotions are processed much more suddenly and violently. They've established he really does love his mother, and seeing her get killed is the first thing in the reel tape that gets to him. Also I loved the moment of him seeing the Infinity Stones. All his effort to escape and steal the Tesseract and continue his quest for world conquest, and... The stones are all just there. All the power of the universe is worthless. Everything he's trying to do is instantly rendered meaningless. How brilliant is their understanding of the character that they can cut him down to a tiny bite-sized cube in just 30 minutes, and it works?
  10. Another M. Night Shyamalan movie. I've failed many times and no one is giving me millions to make my projects. It's not fair!
  11. The themes of the characters were consistent though. Each one had an arc. But like, if they're going to make Rey a nobody... Stick with the nobody story. Play with the themes of that.
  12. Yeah nothing revelatory there. But it's a bit of a head-scratcher how it took doing it the wrong way to figure out that plans are good. Or maybe not strictly that plans are good. Maybe more like...a cogent trajectory is good. IX is pretty universally loathed, but what's funny is how VIII would probably be appreciated more, by more people, if IX had stuck the landing. Instead they prioritized time over quality.
  13. Yes and all those iconic things were apparently established within a few weeks of his life and would henceforth never change until we caught up with him again when he meets Luke! Yeah the first Solo can die in a fire. The last thing it needs is a sequel.
  14. Yeah this is something people started talking about since Chapek was appointed. I'm not entirely surprised that people's suspicions are confirmed. If/when Feige leaves, that's pretty much it.
  15. Agreed, that was absolutely abhorrent. Not a great first impression.
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