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Everything posted by Reputator

  1. Everything Dems do will 'galvanize' the right. Fix Obamacare? Galvanized. Raise minimum wage? Galvanized. Say something scientific? Galvanized. Who fucking cares at this point.
  2. I haven't seen her in anything else besides Mando, but I thought she was well suited to the character and enjoyable to watch. But I mean, SO good she should skate by saying whatever she wants about holocaust victims? Hell no, fuck her.
  3. lol this is so much bullshit. So is everything you said previously. Hopefully @marioandsonic doesn't take any of it to heart.
  4. Wow that anti-semitism is probably going to be the thing that gets her canned.
  5. What about when Vision's neighbor almost let loose "because we're all..."?
  6. I actually had a really similar thought to that but her fear seems genuinely when potentially doing something that might upset Wanda. Also fuck spoiler tags here guys. These OTs are always spoilery. That said, when discussing this with a co-worker, it seems like the time fuckery is probably what lead to the dimensions becoming unstable and intertwining. Tony Stark even says that when you mess with time, it tends to mess back. It's that or the creation of Westview itself is an unstable entity and is causing rifts to appear. But quite honestly, I think it's clear Wanda is NOT in total control as Rambeau (and some others) seem to think. The kids are real, as like Vision she can't control their minds. The scope of the manipulation of minds and objects is, as Darcy and Jimmy mention, far beyond what we've seen from Wanda before. On top of that, she isn't aware of everything that happens. I don't think she pulled Rambeau in, as she didn't seem to even know she was an outsider until she let the 'Ultron' bit slip. She wasn't aware of the first drone or the 'bee keeper' until they were in front her. She stole Vision's body so she definitely plays a role here, but I think she merely acts as the "director" while someone even more powerful acts as the "producer". She has taken ownership of the world but it's not all her own.
  7. There is literally a handful (ha) of stones that Capt would either have a really awkward time returning, or would've been downright impossible.
  8. Wow I never kept up with the X-Men movies so I didn't know the significance of that version of Quicksilver until I read about it just now. Looks like things just got a LOT more complicated.
  9. I've had a day to let this stew and this is what I think is happening. It really is Vision's corpse running around Westview. Wanda is animated his body and changing his appearance. She might be doing the same to others. However, Vision's mind is his own. Reason being, they explain in Infinity War that Wanda's powers are similar in energy to Vision's mind stone. So she can literally replicate his mind, but only within a certain range of her. So she created the town as a boundary in which Vision can never leave.
  10. A 2nd grader at a Christian school was expelled for telling another girl she had a crush on her, mother says WWW.CNN.COM An 8-year-old student was kicked out of a Christian elementary school, after she told another female student she had a crush on her, the mother says. Childhood trauma for showing another student of the same gender affection. Way to go! I'd love it if Biden's Secretary of Education could step in a revoke these school's education license for sexual discrimation. As this gets more and more national attention, I think more people are becoming aware of how twisted this intolerance truly is.
  11. Vision clearly has his own sentience though so there's something interesting going on with him in particular.
  12. lol I guess that might be the problem with this story. No one in the news world is willing to search and find out if it's true.
  13. Nuking the fillibuster continues to be a pipe dream. But as others have pointed out, should McConnell or other GOP members continue to obstruct everything Democrats try to do as they have in the past, they may actually jeopardize the rule. If they at least recognize that, we can get some stuff passed. Maybe.
  14. We have honest to god run out of things to talk about on this entire fucking board.
  15. Man watching that trailer makes me want to buy the action figures and bash them together. I'm in my 30s.
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