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Everything posted by number305

  1. Well I have never claimed to be original I'm not really prognosticating... just discussing. I hope theaters stay around. They make for a fun Friday night sometimes. Streaming has already hurt them. Scorsese I think is putting more pressure on 'Cinema' than Marvel has recently by going the Netflix route. Disney could easily decide to debut one of their tentpole flix on Disney+ to drive more subscribers. That is probably more likely than not eventually. All of that is going to put a crunch on theaters.
  2. 1) this explains the high physical sales numbers for PC 2) Subscription services bro. Where we are going people won't be buying games. As I said - they will almost certainly put in a drive so no need for anyone to worry. But there is a lot of two years ago thinking going on here not much two years from now thinking.
  3. In my opinion the secret sauce for getting people to theaters is good exclusive content. If there is a fantastic movie and the only way you can see it (for at least several months) is by going to a theater then you will put butts in the seats. I'm not convinced any of the gimmicks drive people much. The problem theaters are facing that is new and unprecedented is that the best movie of this fall is going to be on Netflix (the Irishman).
  4. They will of course have a physical drive... I was mostly kidding. But all those reasons you listed are kind of a joke. Very few people are buying or using 4k discs (sorry none of us count. I have a few too. We aren't the norm. https://www.pocket-lint.com/tv/news/147125-reasons-why-4k-ultra-hd-blu-ray-is-dead-before-it-really-started ) Also it has been proven time and again it does not matter what games you receive on a disc because no matter what you will need an internet connection for the 20GB day one patch, followed by weekly updates as long as the game is popular.
  5. I'm not real sure that HFR is going to drive people. 3D is maybe more of a gimmick that might get people in the door. Especially for younger people it seems they are content to watch content on an ipad or mobile screen - even if they are a few feet away from a nice 4k tv hanging on the wall. I do enjoy the theater experience for some movies. But I fear for it's future. I can see it going down the same path of newspapers and magazines.
  6. There are obviously people here that could comment on that better than me... but that never stopped me before :) It seems to me this would work against theater owners. Needing to have extremely expensive upgrades to show what is right now just this one movie is not going to really drive much traffic to your theater. And even if this was to become the next cool thing that everyone needed to see in a theater - they would obviously just start selling equipment so you could watch it that way at home too. So in the end it would be a very costly upgrade for the theater with a very narrow opportunity to recoup the costs.
  7. Gears 5 is. It took a lot of work and time coding specifically for the one X to get there. There are also a ton of 30fps games on the X. The new systems will be more powerful and you will see games from both MS and Sony that hit that target on their respective consoles. However I wouldn't expect every game to hit that. I would expect fewer 3rd party games will get there. I could be wrong. There are smarter people than me on this board that could better answer this question.
  8. Right on. I'm interested in seeing it... but will probably wait to see it at home in a few months. Most of my theater trips these days are with my kids, and I don't think they are ready for 'existence is meaningless'.
  9. I haven't seen this movie yet... but it feels weird to see you say someones interpretation of a movie is wrong. Most art is up to the interpretation of the viewer. But again I haven't seen this yet so maybe there is a reason for what you are saying.
  10. In every medium there are deep thought provoking experiences and there are easy fun experiences. In every medium there are really good and worthwhile examples of both. Hating on either style is kind of pointless.
  11. I'm kinda impressed that the trailer had Ryan Reynolds not playing deadpool. He has seemed to be stuck in his deadpool character... even in his own social media since the first movie came out. He was still being funny in the trailer, but it was his own voice and mannerisms which was nice to see.
  12. It does sound a bit flippant. If half the world suddenly disappeared I think there would be a much harsher word than blip. Blip sounds like a minor speed bump.
  13. It would be very cool if they could find a way to have spiderman and deadpool, or spiderman and some future iteration of daredevil team up. Or hell the fantastic 4. I guess I need more team ups with spiderman...
  14. I think the obvious reason these games 'cheated' was because they were first Arcade games. All arcade games cheat - their first priority was to get more quarters from you. That was the reason for much of the NES difficulty back in the day. Many of those games had their origins in the arcades, or were at least coming from the same mentality. There is no reason to make every game at home brutally difficult - so over time game designers learned to ease off.
  15. Another 'sort' feature that MS needs to add is games installed on your console that you don't have a license for any longer. I install any GP game that I think sounds interesting and I very often forget to ever play them. I know I have some installed that aren't on GP anymore... but without combing through the huge list of games installed on my console and comparing it to the huge list on GP I don't have any easy way to uninstall the non playable games.
  16. If it works on the One it will work on the two. However there is no guarantee it will still be on GP in a year. Games shuffle on and off every month.
  17. Kind of a news story without much meaning. Sony basically said yea we own it but we want them making Spiderman and Ratchet games for the foreseeable future.
  18. It is getting pretty hard to argue that GP isn't the best value in games right now. It might not be good for you - but for many people there is a wide variety of games that gets added to constantly.
  19. - Biggest launch for ANY Xbox 1st party game this generation - 3 Million Players launch weekend - 2x the number of players at launch as Gears 4 - On PC Gears 5 has nearly tripled the performance of Gears 4 and is the biggest Game Pass launch ever Info taken from @BenjiSales on twitter. This game is doing what MS wants it to. Getting subscribers is the long term goal. Not game sales, not hardware sales.
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