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Everything posted by silentbob

  1. Looks like the iron filings you place on a piece of paper and drag a magnet below to make them stand up
  2. Prometheus 3D 2.5/5 Been sitting in my pile of many unwatched movies and finally got around seeing it. The 3D was pretty good with excellent depth and separation, but the movies ho-hum. The story just seem to lack anything of substance to his Alien franchise. Hotel Transylvania 3 (4K) 3/5 I really wish this was given a 3D release anywhere in the world to order from, but sadly it was not (like MI: Fallout) At least the 4K picture was pretty stunning and so was the Atmos track. Sure it’s still a kids film, but appreciated the occasional adult jokes/nods to entertain the older audience.
  3. I wonder if you guys will be able to grow your own and wonder how many they will allow you to grow at home. My first grow is just about done and should end with close to a pound of dried flower in the end.
  4. My top choice for Atmos would be Blade Runner 2049 and Deepwater Horizon. When that platform in the gulf goes to hell, it makes sure it makes you feel uneasy. Plus Blade Runner is just loud and immersive. Only done a few scenes but the new 4K release of The Matrix Series is amazing in Atmos, and so is Ready Player One. The race for the key and final big battle sound amazing with cars, debris and weapons going off everywhere
  5. Also getting a very quick home video release. In fact, it will be out in 2.5 weeks on Dec 18th.
  6. Jessica Jones Season 3 and The Punisher Season 2 are coming in 2019, but after that
  7. That’s sad to see. I wonder if was going to be in the Deadwood movies or had made his scenes already
  8. Looks like you can get some good deals at BestBuy.ca/in store on Black Friday. A Klipsh 12” sub regular $800 for half off. Pair of Polk Floor standing speakers for $250.
  9. You guys are dumb. . .it was the Monsters under the bed. Who will then blame it on the caravan of monsters in the closet trying to move into the land under the bed.
  10. If you don’t need the banana plugs right away. Should use the Canadian monoprice site called PrimeCables I purchased my banana plugs from them and were fast, easy and cheap. Might be worth checking out and maybe cancel your amazon order.
  11. Yeah go for the 5.2.4 setup and slowly add what you need over time. I found a Pioneer 9.2 from 2001audiovideo.com for $1050 I have Marantz SR7010 for my 5.2.4 setup in my bedroom. Once you get your Atmos speakers hooked up. You go and watch Blade Runner 2049 or Deepwater Horizon and thank me later
  12. New Orleans is just too fucking hot in the summer. I was only there for a week in the French Quarter and woke up to 108F every morning at mid June. I think with humidex we got to 142F once or twice. I did like Austin, Texas and I have a cousin who lives there. Sure it gets hot in the summer but you have lots of cool shit happening there. or another vote for the Toronto. Greener pastures with legal weed, but we now have 2 sports teams that is giving us championship hope. The Blue Jays is another story but I like wearing their gear
  13. Can someone just lie to him and say he has an offshore bank account there.
  14. Might as well send them to control the hordes of people invading the Black Friday stores
  15. Because he himself isn’t on TV at that time Plus with Don Lemon being a black gay man on CNN. It’s like hitting a little league homerun for him and his followers
  16. Happy BDay. I hope you enjoy your day as much as my dog enjoyed this pumpkin
  17. Well I take it the fucktards going down there area mostly/all Republicans. So that might work for the Democrats. As their people stayed back to actually vote tomorrow
  18. I too have had sleep problems. It would take me forever to fall asleep at night. Then I would eventually fall asleep and wake up at 2:50am almost constantly for a week or 2. I know I have some anxiety and I have tried melatonin, cutting back electronics/caffeine and going to bed earlier/later. Nothing really worked and it wasn’t until my buddy I’m working with suggested weed. Bought myself an Arizer Solo II vaporizer and have tried at least 50 strains to find the magic bullet. I have a few Indica strains that seem to work well for me. I’m no longer 2 hours sleep and restless the rest of the night before work. I’m now getting 5-6 hours of solid sleep almost every night. I still have the occasional night where I’m a bit restless but some strains that worked great for 2-3 nights in a row will do nothing the next and will switch to another.
  19. I know I’m too late but what the hell To love I see my love prancing in fields away but my boys are here to play oh how big you have grow And boy do I have something to show much like the tumble weed i have waited to blow (my load) Lets go rolling in the hay For I have neigh for my owners revolver, doesnt match my big problem solver
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