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Everything posted by silentbob

  1. I’m currently on light duties and work with someone else in stores. The first guy I worked with had just got back from his 6 months maternity leave. He didn’t make as much if he were working but said it wasn’t financially hurtful for him to do so.
  2. Man that seems stupid and financially dangerous. Too bad they can’t transfer to Canada and get a full year off with pay. Heck we are even allowed to split it 50/50 and have both parents get paid and take 6 months off each.
  3. Come October 17 everyone is going want to skip Georgia, and become a Canadian. Smoke and (for most places) grow your own marijuana. I really think it will be a just few short years before a good chunk of the states go green for everyone. My buddy has been smoking it for over 10 years and says he would feel safer with a high driver than a drunk driver on the road, because they become super alert and paranoid of their surroundings. Hopefully he wasn’t speaking from personal experience. As of yesterday I planted 7 strains from seeds and will hope they all sprout by the weekend ok I have just been told to click and read the link. Well I feel a little foolish not seeing it was the country and the state. Still I do think that more U.S. states will loosen up to more marijuana acceptance in short time
  4. I do too because now they will have to peddle to their followers to donate for the actually church itself, and not for their 3rd private jet/private island.
  5. So you mean they are playing Chinese Checkers but Trump thinks it’s a game of Hungry Hungry Hippos
  6. I was about to say that he is just giving Trump a place to stay and avoid going to jail. No extradition from Russia, plus they have coke and McDonalds. That’s pretty much all he would need. Plus all the golden showers he could ever want.
  7. Well his late brother also intended to do the same thing when he was mayor of T.O. People should of known that we elected a Trump into office but we didn’t learn a single thing from our American neighbours. At least he is taking a nice stance on the marijuana sales. No longer going to be control by the LCBO. He’s going to allow privatized stores to apply for a license to sale now. The original plan would of kept many potential buyers from going in and purchase said products. There are more illegal shops in my near by city of Hamilton than what the government would have opened all this year for the entire province.
  8. I agree Pepsi is by far the better beverage. I’m not saying that because they also employ me either
  9. Shazam! I agree looks like a lighthearted fun flick. Aquaman looks so-so to me. Almost has a too much shit happening at times and reminds me a bit of Green Lantern in that sort of way
  10. Holy shit he did it. After years and years of wondering/waiting. IT’S FINALLY HAPPENING!!!! Might be SDCC exclusive but man does this poster kick ass
  11. Well how does that old saying go again ”birds of a feather, fuck together”. . . . sorry “flock together”
  12. THE INCREDIBLES 2 - 3.75/5 it was good and fun but wished the villain weren’t so obvious. BLOCKERS - 2.5/5 like mentioned above, best parts were in the trailer. Minus the one scene that was way to NSFW to even show in a Redband trailer. ANT-MAN AND THE WASP - 3.5/5 nice lighthearted fun after the last Avengers film. Although I wish the story were maybe a little stronger, but the action was pretty damn solid.
  13. I invested in a grow tent and some special seeds that will flower into some beautiful smoke for some friends and I. Spend some money and make some money. Gotta love being Canadian
  14. It’s going on CRAVE TV and I guess you might be able to get a free month trial still. Might need to borrow my cousins account to view this
  15. Reading reminded me of a Daily Show segment from a few years back
  16. Well being Canadian I’m not too concern for here. So I shall just stay the fuck out of the states until the close is clear. . . . .although it is funny you mention a 3D printer. My mom is looking into getting one soon, but to make cookie cutters.
  17. Fuck that is some scary shit when you read that. Maybe them rules should be updated for the more modern times, or fuck it. Everything else seems to be going to hell in a hand basket anyways
  18. I guess he wasn’t able to give him that Donald Trump signed Elton John CD with “Rocket Man” on it. Probably just a burnt copy and not a legit cd copy anyways
  19. Waiting for a Confederate Flag too unfurl for there super hero cape with that stance
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