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Everything posted by legend

  1. I see, but my guess would be that corporate policy and contract constraints exists for the same motivation (PR nightmare and image problem), or do you think it exists for other reasons?
  2. I think you're right that the real reason Disney got rid of her is because she was a headache and caused an image problem for Disney. But I do think that when you publicly share things on on large platform that you know your co-workers will see, you run the risk of it feeding back into the work environment like @Ghost_MH said. I don't envy HR in today's world
  3. Yeah this is my position on it too. It's a gross terrible take, but it's not anti semitic. The underlying assumption of her comparison is that what happened to jews was utterly abhorrent. It's just a grossly egotistical and brain dead jump to then think that people disliking your political beliefs is comparable.
  4. Nice. Now if only RI would get their fucking act together and stop delaying.
  5. Jfc. I hadn't had a chance to watch the epilogue video until now and didn't realize they used Touch in it until after I posted the track. What a fucking gut punch of a video too.
  6. I explicitly said the fact that they complete character arcs (and come to a natural transition point) is what makes it *NOT* like the Halo trilogy which didn't even do that. If you're going to mock me at least do it right! The comparison is far closer to the ending of Mass Effect 1 where the Reapers are still out there preparing to attack. It's fine to say you didn't like what was there of course. I deeply disagree with that and think what they added does a good job fleshing out the characters, but sure if you didn't like what's there that's fine. It's simply not an incomplete game though, or if you're going to use that metric an enormous percentage of games are "incomplete" too.
  7. Yeah this is what I was trying to say earlier -- FF7R absolutely completes an important character arc and sets the stage for something new afterwards. It's not like it ends in the middle of a giant battle before any resolution takes place *cough* Halo 2 *cough*. It works as a standalone game as well as Mass Effect 1 does or any number of games in a trilogy. I also don't think it would be fair to characterize the dev team as trying to just make a quick buck. A lot of work and love was clearly put into this game. It feels polished and complete. I mean, that doesn't mean the game as to work for you, but these comparisons to being an incomplete game just don't hold up.
  8. There are not many games I'd hate to play with a controller more than Diablo 2. Diablo 3 was designed around it to make it work, but Diablo 2 with a controller would feel so limiting. If you watch their interview with some of the team on it, they talk about some of the challenges and simplifications they had to make for the controller like fixed distance leap and teleport. As someone who played a shit ton of sorc in D2 this would be so fucking limiting to how nimble the character is on the battlefield -- both for PvE and PvP. The inventory management -- since they're keeping the tetris -- would also feel so clumsy without a mouse. That said, if you won't play it otherwise without a controller, then I suppose it's better than nothing!
  9. Yeah if her decision to do this is mostly politically motivated, the motivation "I'll help people at large so they'll vote for my party" is basically the best possible incentive mechanism in politics we could hope for; It's what a good political mechanism design would entail.
  10. You'll absolutely notice. I'd love to elaborate why it's so clear but really you just have to play it. It might take to the end for you to notice, but you'll notice.
  11. Were the character models in Skyward Sword always so ugly?
  12. I definitely do not. But is Texas energy really all that much cheaper than other places that do winterize? If not, then why would it be any less affordable than it is elsewhere? There might be something to it, but in general, I think people do a bad job planning for tail events, even when the cost of tail events is *substantially* more than the cost to prepare for it, so it also wouldn't be surprising at all to learn that the people thinking they're going to save money are just doing a bad job.
  13. Why not? Is the cost of preparing for such events vs not that significant? That seems hard to believe since plenty of other regions do make such preparations and so it's hard to imagine the savings outweighs the costs for when these tail events do happen.
  14. This is where I landed too. I just petered out on Valhalla whereas I have over 100 hours in Odyssey. I think part of the issue in Valhalla is that skill progression is generally boring and IMO, and the gear sucks. As far as the skills, most of it passive and somehow the unlocks just don't feel nearly as cool as they do in Odyssey. And for the gear, you spend some time hunting down some new armor only to find it's worse than your starting gear that you've upgraded. Sure, you could upgrade the new stuff too after dumping a ton of resources in it and then it will be... just as good I also agree that Kassandra is awesome.
  15. I'm really distraught because chasing what's "cool" has obviously been a focus throughout my life.
  16. Unless you end up hating that they're deliberately diverging from the original at the end for reasons I won't say in clear text, it's hard to imagine not enjoying the game. The original FF7 story and characters are tons of fun, but this game makes it so clear how held back the story was by the technology of the time. There mere fact that you now get beautifully rendered expressive characters with voice acting and a fully orchestrated score makes every emotional beat hit so much better. The fact that they also expand on Jessie, Biggs, and Wedge also adds more emotional heft to it all. Thematically, it also seems like a good cut off point if you're going to split the game because it completes an arc for Cloud. He goes from being an indifferent merc at the start, to stepping into the role of hero. It is easily one of my favorite RPGs of the last gen, "complete" or not.
  17. I don't think I can adequately describe how much I both hate crypto currency and the obsession to use "blockchain" for things it has no business being used for -- which happens to be all the things people want to use blockchain for.
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