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Everything posted by Keyser_Soze

  1. You've got it on easy street, you could ask one of your models if you could use their face.
  2. I have a youtube but don't expect anyone to look at my stuff. Biggest things I know (or have heard just by Max saying it) 1. If you have someone's face in the video thumbnail it drives up views (which is why you see tons of youtube videos like this) 2. I guess there was a trend for a bit for like short 30 second videos (probably nothing that you want to get into ) Here's mine - I use it very infrequently. I recently started uploading dota videos for shits and giggles (they are very nice 4K videos check it out!) , but I mainly had it for video game stuff and then back in the day videos I made in school.
  3. I've probably said it in this thread already but I'm playing Animal Crossing and the framerate drops hard when I move around the island because of the amount of flowers. Imagine your console isn't powerful enough to run Animal Crossing at a steady 30 FPS
  4. They should just handle it like DOTA. When you go up rank in MMR you don't drop down if you lose. It's also much harder to rank up because you're relying on 4 strangers to win.
  5. And they should have to perform nude like in the good ol days.
  6. At my hotel we sold the 6oz $8 bottles of Chandon for $20 and the normal size bottles (usually $20) for $40!
  7. @best3444 Ladies like a confident man. Maybe you aren't confident right now but you can act confident, maybe it will get you in the headspace to actually get confidence and get that woman, and get that baby and jack off and smoke weed.
  8. Sale ends in 4 hours so you better try quick! Or if I was nice maybe I could try out the demo for you and report back. EDIT: That being said controller support for a game generally does not mean moving a mouse cursor around with a controller.
  9. I figured you guys were exaggerating with the 2 minute connecting to server thing since I didn't remember it being that long. I timed it and it was ONLY a minute 20 something. So you were totally exaggerating! I actually put a good handful of matches in. Getting my butt kicked and having fun I suppose. I started on floor 7 but am now on floor 5. I guess the rematch thing I was referring to earlier (one and done) seems to be unavoidable if you get sent down a floor, you have no option to rematch even if it's the first match of the 3. There weren't many people on floor 5, and one guy kept not wanting to match with me, another guy was running around the lobby. I switched to Japanese server and it was pretty full and had some good matches, maybe I'll continue to play in this region in the future.
  10. Finished this up tonight. I enjoyed it. I thought 8 episodes for a final season is criminally low, especially since every other season was 10 episodes. I would say a solid season, not my favorite but probably one of the most focused of the seasons. With what was going on with the lawyers in this show I'm sure that @Greatoneshere is going to have nightmares! As for the ending Also, extra silly spoiler for a cast member at the end
  11. @Bacon Bacon May Die on Steam STORE.STEAMPOWERED.COM Chaotic bacon-flavored beat'em up with plenty of enemies to smash around
  12. PC version has controller support so I would gather you could control it the same way as the console.
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