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Everything posted by Keyser_Soze

  1. Seems to be an issue in more than just Hollywood but having these old people croak is a good start.
  2. The first Diablo 4 character to reach Hardcore level 100 has died after a disconnect | VGC WWW.VIDEOGAMESCHRONICLE.COM The 82-hour playthrough has ended through no apparent fault of the player…
  3. Didn't @Fizzzzle say the same thing like yesterday? (Well, I don't mean sympathizing with the whiteys but the part about POC filling up the writers rooms)
  4. I like boxing, but not enough to have a meaningful discussion about it.
  5. This sounds like a better made up life than what Apoc has been cooking up tbh.
  6. Got some twitch drops for the Azurehand Dagger Recolor and Azurehand Sword Recolor. Too bad I don't have the game.
  7. Wasn't paying attention to my own guesses but I got there Wordle 718 5/6* 🟦⬛⬛⬛⬛ ⬛🟦🟦🟦🟦 🟦🟦🟦🟦⬛ 🟦🟧🟦🟦🟦 🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧 Didn't we have this movie already? Framed #453 🎥 🟥 🟥 🟥 🟩 ⬛ ⬛ https://framed.wtf 🕹️ Gamedle: 07/06/2023 🟥🟩⬜⬜⬜⬜ > https://gamedle.wtf
  8. A lot of mushrooms in there now, he can touch more than grass!
  9. You got connections, you have to know something.
  10. Bryan Singer Self-Financing New Documentary to Address Sexual Assault Claims (EXCLUSIVE) VARIETY.COM Bryan Singer is quietly plotting a comeback and has been pitching industryites on a slate of films.
  11. He's essentially an alt of himself.
  12. I've got a long answer and short answer for this. Short answer: I haven't yet but feel like I'm close to doing so soon. I'm labbing, sort of, just trying to get the hang of the controls Long answer: Like you, I'm mostly a Tekken guy. I had always dabbled with Street Fighter but nothing serious. However, when Tekken 3 came along I got really into that and had friends coming over to my house to play it almost every day. I never had anyone to play SF with. One of the big things with Tekken is you can buffer moves so for a dummy like myself the game just feels easier to play. Street Fighter requires very quick and precise inputs so I'm trying to get used to that, because I want to really play this game somewhat well. I've finished almost all of the Manon combo trials and I think once I get that down I may be ready to go and forget all the fundamentals I learned during training. He's top tier in this game. Enjoy!
  13. Not yet but supposedly they canceled the Coalition's game to work on a Gears game, so it will be a thing eventually. I think those rumors got shot down, and were reaches to begin with. The idea the game is in development hell so it would be tough to show anything, but people said they saw sparkles and fable-like music in a tweet so it might be coming. I'm not getting my hopes up but I'd love to be surprised.
  14. Well, I wrapped up the story content of PSO2: NGS before the Ver. 2 update hits tomorrow. I think early on, the game obviously didn't grab a lot of people, especially here. And the story was kind of ho hum. But the last few bits, Stia and beyond, get interesting and maybe even some effort was put into the acting. That being said there is a big revelation but it's kinda turned moot in a way, which I dunno. I guess it was kinda cool but then dumb. Worth seeing if you're anywhere near close to the end of the game.
  15. Can you believe Andrea bankrupted Best? What a scandal!
  16. An update on our approach to US election misinformation BLOG.YOUTUBE Today we are announcing a new set of updates on YouTube to address and protect our community —providing a home for open discussion and debate during the ongoing election season.
  17. By using your free speech you're taking away my free speech so I don't want you to have free speech so I can have free speech!
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