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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. Portals I KINDA get and some seeds have pretty generous continent formation that they're not strictly necessary. Getting rid of the map is fucking bananas.
  2. I do think there is incremental stuff happening. Protests are larger, there seems to be some groundswell for things like better background checks, red flag laws, etc.
  3. Abolish the second amendment, buy back guns, get people to stop consuming media from the Fox Cinematic Universe which encourages this mentality by insisting that American cities are war zones where violence is unchecked / never been worse, and that the suburbs are under constant threat of encroachment by urban undesirables.
  4. Tell me you don't have notifications on for my posts without saying you don't have notifications on for my posts
  5. Stupidity aside, isn't the whole "point" of Disneyworld for Disney the fact that they own enough land to keep the parks themselves separate from everything around them? What would building a prison "next to Disneyworld" even mean? Aren't there other theme parks in Orlando already?
  6. I don't fine Ellie annoying at all, she's great in the first game. But finding pallets and moving her around on them are a pretty transparent way of extending your time in smaller spaces. And once you know your way around the game, you can get through it in about 10 hours. The first 45 minutes dragging is a non trivial amount of the playtime! I feel like they got much better at this with TLoU2, aside from the last "third" where I felt like I really wanted to move the plot to its conclusion and the gameplay felt like an impediment to that.
  7. As I said... When you own a gun for home defense, the mere presence of people at the "wrong time" becomes a threat. Shit like this and opening fire at cops are the final destination of this mentality.
  8. The game opens with a narrative bang and then it takes a long time for the gameplay and encounters to get interesting. And there are a bunch of places that are made unnecessarily long by having to ferry Ellie around. It's not a long game so it's not egregious or anything, but those things made replays less fun than they could be. Possible my memory is bad though, I don't think I have replayed it since Remastered came out.
  9. If being an unfunny try hard was against the law, Elon would have been executed years ago.
  10. Plenty of gun owners would not, especially if the homeowner didn't actually shoot and "merely" got the motorist off their property with the threat of violence. That is the very specific reason that many people own guns.
  11. The Wheel of Time as an exploration of sex was perhaps noble but obviously flawed and incomplete even at the time. An adaptation coming out today when there is increased visibility of trans people and trans rights necessitates a change in the series' take on sex and gender being essentially the same thing. They're represented as a symbolically black and white issue. The Halima shit is fucking bad and needed to change, as it's clear that The Dark One "swapped" their gender as a punishment, it's just one they adapted to. The only example of a character who could be read as trans ending up that way because the literal devil made it so is a bad look. Credit to Jordan for featuring many prominent and powerful female characters, but the male gaze is consistent and obvious (women are described as having their arms crossed in relation to their breasts dozens of times, we have many takes on whether or not a woman has too much bosom and the like from the POV of other women, etc.), the whole "pillow friend" issue is clearly written from a man's perspective, and so on. I have issues with the series but I like it very much (I wouldn't subject myself to one billion hours of audiobook re-reads if I didn't like it) but I feel like not strictly adhering to the source material is going to be fine if the TV series is good in general, and the first season was not great perhaps, but I liked it. And hey, maybe the show will take some of the threads that started in the first couple books that end in the last couple and have them not blow complete ass! I'm looking at you... Anyway I'm happy to tell myself that whatever happens on the show is just a different Third Age on a different cycle of the wheel, whatever.
  12. Not that WoT "makes sense" when you get down to specific stuff, but I always really disliked the notions that the threads to The Dark One were in some sense literal and could be severed, and that channelers could be forced to become darkfriends. For the former it just comes up so infrequently and conveniently; it's weird that it doesn't warrant more of an explanation. For the latter the concept always kinda rubbed me the wrong way, and then... Rand behaves very stupidly about it for a long time which is the most irritating bit.
  13. Eat my ass, Florida: Florida to allow death penalty with 8-4 jury vote instead of unanimously WWW.REUTERS.COM Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is expected to sign a bill on Friday allowing juries to recommend the death penalty in capital cases on an 8-4 vote, a move spurred by the less-than-unanimous vote that led to the Parkland school shooter being sentenced to life in prison.
  14. My memory of the MCU timeline is ass at this point, so I don't really even know when he stopped doing spy shit. Also Kamala seems like the kind of fan that would have found cell phone footage of Tony's funeral and Nick was there... so whatever. This is a franchise where Thanos killed 50% of Asgard before blipping the universe, and New Asgard has an ice cream shop called Infinity Cones so you know... I'm here for it not making sense. EDIT - actually it's Infinity Conez with a Z, which feels even worse somehow.
  15. I guess that's true. But also he was declared dead? But then blipped? Again not a big deal at all just curious if I was forgetting something obvious.
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