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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. This wasn’t even a bad episode, y’all need to watch some shit TV from time to time to reset your baseline. I swear, I have no idea how shows like The X-Files lasted as long as they did. There are some truly rancid turds in most show runs, and something like that show was 85% “filler” by today’s standards.
  2. She dashes the terrorists against the wall like the Whedon version but there are blood splatters behind them so it’s clear she’s clicking heads and killing them. And then the main terrorist gets killed when Wonder Woman snaps her bracelets at him, so she blows him to kingdom come. All in front of the kids she’s allegedly inspiring.
  3. The terrorist scene with Wonder Woman in the Snyder cut is fucking unhinged. It’s wild that even he thought that was a good idea.
  4. I think it's interesting that the movies make it clear that The Sith and The Empire are very bad and need to be stopped, stuff like Rebels, Clone Wars, and The Bad Batch are at their best when they're exploring what things are like for people on the periphery of either having left the Empire or joined the Rebellion. Andor is a more serious take on what it means / costs to be an actual Rebel. And with Mando bridging the gap between all that and the ST, we have this weird New Republic period that we know doesn't last long and we're getting to see part of why that is. Again it's a weird time period to get too fussed about the New Republic being incompetent since we know they're one-Adam-Driver's-lifetime away from being dunked on by The First Order, but it's somewhat jarring to see that just laid out like it is here. I hope we're not leaning too far into "somehow Palpatine is pulling the strings in the Mandalorian" territory but... I don't know that there are a ton of other options? I guess we'll see. I also still think it's very funny that there was a guy called Mandalore that Great, who was given the title of Manda'lor, who lived on Mandalore.
  5. Detras de ti imbecil! All the Spanish I know I learned from RE4. But even I know enough to know this is a bad idea.
  6. I really do appreciate the show taking swings at / a stance against toxic masculinity, but Nate generally embodies such a milquetoast version of it that it’s hard to take seriously.
  7. Am I having a stroke? Darkseid was not the main villain of BvS… right???
  8. This was not a great season opener. The dueling press conferences were not interesting and presented both Ted and Nate in the least interesting way possible. The media's reaction to Ted was bananas; it feels like we're light years away from Ted and Trent going out to dinner together and the latter realizing that Ted's empathy is genuine. Here Ted just seemed unhinged. And while he's always been a folksy and esoteric guy but even he can't be so oblivious that he seems surprised that someone would not be thrilled about photos of the club going into the sewer.
  9. I think I'm missing something then, are you asking if Apple Music can just organize files in addition to play them?
  10. Some of those that work forces Take the meds that’s for horses
  11. Zuck looking at Twitter and thinking he can edge better than Musk is fucking hilarious.
  12. Yeah, same, clearly. I don't have a Samsung phone so it all bounced off me now, and I read the initial replies to the thread at the timer and didn't catch the extent to which it came up a couple years ago. I just thought it was interesting.
  13. Really sorry to hear that Hope you and your family are coping well.
  14. I'd prefer to forget everything about Ron Paul, including his loser son and this bop.
  15. Fair. At this point I’m so used to it I’m kinda blind to both its flaws and what it does well, it’s just sort of ubiquitous. It’s what I moved to from Winamp when I got my first iPod in… 2004?
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