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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. How is the budget for this movie almost $300M? How? I refuse to accept that this movie is going to be anything better than “fine” and I feel like the sole purpose that it exists is an attempt to make the last Harrison Ford Indy movie something other than Crystal Skull. Which is weird because while that movie is not good, it’s not as bad as people seem to think and it’s roughly one trillion times better than Temple of Doom, which actively eats shit every in every frame.
  2. When you're browsing horses to choose from a stable, it shows you their pic, name, stats, and bond. The last stat is Pull and Epona's is just a dash; all the other horses I've seen have stars for Pull, even ones I imported from BotW. Not my pic and this is from someone trying to register, but it's the same screen when you go to summon one from a stable.
  3. She shouldn't have had to learn anything from Shandy to begin with. Keeley from the first two seasons was not a moron but she's been so stupid for all of this one. Hiring an obviously incompetent friend is bad, not having any idea who's behind your funding is bad, fucking your bankroller is bad, having your best friend warn you about the potential toxicity of wealth and its impact on relationships / having a sugar mama then having that same bestie unironically drop millions to bail out your company is bad. It's all bad! I mean sure, but that also goes against the whole reason Keeley decided to branch out in season 2! Her whole thing this season is 3, 4 steps forward... sure. But she took 10 back before that. Also I said I wasn't going to talk about the Nate stuff but... come on. Turns out bad dad was just ill equipped to handle Nate's genius! BOO. Nate has yet to have a single, meaningful conversation with Jade, about whom we still know essentially nothing (she read a book!), who the show shipped off so that Nate could pout at home, for whom Nate has "changed?" Nate was never going to be a "villain" but he WAS an asshole last season! What has he actually learned in this one? Which is super annoying because the show absolutely knows how to do this and did it well for the better part of two seasons. It did it with Rebecca and her relationships with Ted, the team, and Keeley, with Jamie and his dad and with Roy. If Phoebe told Roy that Jamie was his best friend without the whole rest of the show actually setting that up, it wouldn't have landed. Ted was resistant to therapy and opening up, did the work, and it's made him better, he'd have handled shit with his wife much differently at the start of season 2 compared to partway through season 3. Meanwhile Nate gets a girlfriend we know nothing about and... reception arc! It's so sloppy. Yes, Nate apologized to will. But Nate's never been dumb, he knew what he did was wrong. So... why?
  4. If Shandy showed Keeley that business and friendship need to be separate, it sure seems like she forgot that pretty quick.
  5. Zava didn't move the needle for Jamie compared to previous seasons and Keeley hiring Shandy is one of the many things that has made her regress this season. I know why they were around but neither were interesting.
  6. There's absolutely truth that large companies at some point spend a ton of money on middle management, corporate infrastructure, etc., that is not all completely necessary. But if you wanna start carving that out you need to do it strategically which takes time, money, and skill to do. Elon is a moron so he walked into the OR without scrubbing up, took a shit in the sterile field, cut the patient open with a weed whacker, and started taking out organs he thought were useless based on vibes. Now the kidneys he removed are inside other patients and he's going to ask for them back. Good luck motherfucker.
  7. The default controls have the left button be your right handed attack and the right button be your left handed shield parry, it's so dumb.
  8. It KINDA made sense for Skyward Sword / the Wii version of Twilight Princess; I dunno why he's not a lefty again.
  9. I have a (armor spoilers) and it feels great. After finding the first bit, I wondered if the rest would be found in similar Loki g structures and sure enough…
  10. I was gonna say, my neck hurts looking at the pic in the OP!
  11. It’s a fine line between real sweetness and saccharine, and this episode is a lot of the latter. Keeley’s arc has been in freefall all season and it feels like it finally cratered. “Watch out for Jack, Keeley! She treats you like Rupert treated me, buying you lots of nice stuff! In completely unrelated news, KJPR is fine because I am rich as well!” Nate shit this season is guilty of being boring, Keeley has been completely kneecapped and it’s a damn shame. Let’s just not talk about Nate and his girlfriend, Nate-Healer. Why is Trent Crimm just.. around? Yes for the book but… why? This season is meandering and sanctimonious. I feel like in last week’s episode they kind of snitched on themselves. Ted’s giving a speech about how being gay is like cheering for a non local sports team… then he gets called out on it and admits that’s a bad analogy. If the “Ted Lasso way” has become such a part of the team as to render his advice unnecessary, if the best Ted can do for his team is telling them that being in the closet is like eating too much dip by yourself, if Ted’s advice is to be curious but not judgmental in the same season that he isn’t curious enough to know who Zava is or what a friendly is… what are we doing here?
  12. The Spirit Tracks theme is one of the best video game songs ever. It’s so fucking good.
  13. I did read it, and I liked it! Of course it's not actually as bad as Ethan emailing "crimes@job.com" or even if it was, that doesn't strain credulity anymore than an elevator that was specced out seemingly to only pose fatal risk to elevator technicians. Or you know... Emmanuelle Beart fucking Jon Voight.
  14. Yeah that’s all fair. I would have landed on Benji eventually! And again, these movies are super fun, and I think that @TwinIon hit the nail on the head… I appreciate how much they’ve changed over time. Also I’ve said it before, but in 2023 the unintentional comedy of Ethan finding Job in the first one by randomly emailing someone YOU LIKE CRIME, YES? and then Job just responds with YES LET’S MEET FOR CRIMES WHICH WE HAVE ESTABLISHED THAT I LIKE. ALSO PRIVACY IS IMPORTANT is just… so fucking good.
  15. Rosalina starts selling star bits cut with poison mushrooms, Toads are dying left and right, and only the Mario boys can clean these mean streets. Anything’s possible with family and whatnot.
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