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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. I think you're giving people too much credit. It's way more "grr government bad" than it is worrying that a legislator is going to executive branch something.
  2. Human After All is also the only Daft Punk album that has clunkers on it, so that still tracks
  3. Homework, Discovery, and Random Access Memories are all incredible fucking albums. Human After All isn’t. It’s not like it sucks or anything but it’s EASILY their weakest album. Homework, Discovery, RAM are all statements, they’re fucking shots; Human After All is just a bunch of songs, some of which are really good. Also this.
  4. But if I had a browser open, I hit back, and the last thing I’d done was edit something in Excel... Windows / macOS won’t switch me back to Excel from Safari or Chrome. The way Jason explained it, I had assumed that the Android back button sometimes WOULD bring you to another app. The Xbox One does this and it’s never made a lick of sense to me. Dusty. Now seriously, what did you mean with that keyboard example because I cannot wrap my head around it and I know I’m being dumb.
  5. What desktop OS has an OS level back button? And is it a “back” button or an “undo” button like Riley said? And does it always take you back / undo within an app, or can it sometimes bring you back to a previous app? I think the fact that I can’t get a clear answer on what an OS level button does means the button kinda blows and y’all are just used to it, but I can only imagine the iOS jankery that I’ve developed muscle memory for and don’t even realize I’m behaving around... so I’m not trying to claim any kind of epeen superiority, here. That said I still have no earthly idea what Jason was describing with the keyboard, explain yourself @Jason
  6. I dunno any OS that has an undo button function across apps, though. It seems completely counter intuitive to me that I could have one app active, hit a back button, and be taken to a different app, which I think could happen based on what you’re saying? Going home / app switching are all swipes on iOS at this point, too. I honestly cannot remember this ever happening, but I assume I’m not understanding it correctly based on how you typed it. What do you mean worrying precisely where on the screen you’re hitting? If I wanted to tap “above” the keyboard, I can see everything there clearly and I wouldn’t get taken somewhere I don’t want to go?
  7. Also... I rarely log into my google account when I watch YouTube videos, it’s almost always in a private window and a new session. My recommended videos are filled with shit about Gina Carano, Ben Shapiro, stolen elections, cancel culture, etc. It’s fucking ridiculous.
  8. You tap the screen above the keyboard when it pops up? I honestly can’t remember the last time I needed to dismiss the keyboard, it’s there when I want it to be and it’s not when it isn’t? I understand familiarity driving preference, but I’m confused by someone thinking that the same button doing different stuff not just across apps but also being dependent upon the last action taken which is not a visible thing is good design. And is the keyboard routinely popping up when you don’t want it to? I’ve had an iPhone since 2008 and I honestly cannot remember a single time this has happened? Maybe it’s happening all the time and I just muscle memory it away without realizing it?
  9. In a better world, everyone would realize that anyone who said, “what was Cruz supposed to do lol,” is unfit for office and they’d be voted out of office. These clowns are un fucking believable.
  10. So does the back button do different things depending on the app and / or the most recent action? In iOS if you swipe on the bottom of the screen, you go back and forth between apps. When you’re in a browser, swiping the screen does back / forward.
  11. I just don’t get how “anti-social justice” people get invested in franchises like Star Wars and Harry Potter. Like... how badly do you have to miss the point?
  12. Fair enough, I just don’t know Android well, my experience is almost all limited to devices from my last job where we locked them down and ran custom software on top of them.
  13. What does a back button accomplish that swiping the bottom of the screen does not? Or swiping the screen higher if you’re in a browser or something. Unrelated to that but related to the OP... A friend of a friend I connected to on Facebook started shitposting a while back, and towards the end of the election / inauguration got more into the Q, stolen election, etc., bullshit. We weren’t super close so I unfriended her. Ever since I’ve done that, a couple people I know from high school who I’ve literally never engaged with since adding them probably a decade ago who also post conspiracy shit are always at the top of my timeline, consistently, 100% of the time I open the app over the last couple weeks. This shit sucks so fucking bad.
  14. Are they doing Flashpoint for the movie? That's... weird.
  15. Stop wanting episodes to be an hour long, most TV shows are too long and have too many episodes as it is.
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