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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. I read somewhere that Master and Commander was one of the best Star Trek movies ever made, and ever since then I can't get out of my head how accurate that is.
  2. This reminds me of the show Monsters Inside Me where they talk to people who had weird illnesses or infections. The hook in SO MANY episodes is shit like, “then I remembered I went swimming in a vernal pool in India two days before my lungs started filling up with something that looked like chocolate milk,” or, “then I remembered that live freshwater crab I ate at a Vietnamese wet market three days before I started pissing ecto cooler and lost 12 pounds in 36 hours.”
  3. @Slug Our kickstarter deliveries are gonna be late YIKES tho
  4. Take the heads of these statues and put them in urinals with a little plaque around eye level so you can learn about how much of a fuckwit they were while pissing on their effigy. A little history lesson and it’ll encourage people to not miss.
  5. Dude went down like Mortal Kombat when you don’t enter the fatality. Also lucky that’s guy didn’t crack his head open on the way down, yikes.
  6. Fuck the Bushes, obviously. That said the notion that anyone in a family so shamelessly obsessed with dynastic succession would simp for Trump is just fucking pathetic.
  7. Love and peace and Wonder Woman clicking heads and blowing up humans and buildings in front of swooning children.
  8. Keanu gonna pew pew and then some guys will go pew pew and there will be punches and also stabbings. Much reload, many jam.
  9. I feel like any publicly traded company doing anything to entice people to buy stock, even if it’s dumb shit like offering free popcorn, is super fucking gross.
  10. Don’t get me wrong, I’d take whatever payday he’s going to get to be knocked the fuck out by Mayweather, I just have no idea why anyone would watch this or pay to make it happen. How would this not be over in < 60 seconds?
  11. … is Logan Paul a boxer? I know nothing about him other than when he does dumb stuff on YouTube.
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