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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. That coming from a Kimpossible Facts account is fabulous.
  2. Should be applied to single family homes too, TBH.
  3. Oh I have no idea, they just fail my, “do you like anything related to Paul Ryan’s fiscal philosophy” litmus test, so whatever.
  4. I’m inherently skeptical of any tax research body that’s opposed to tax increases, that supported the Ryan tax plan, and has an emphasis on balancing the budget via spending cuts unless we’re talking about the military.
  5. I love Yuri’s work on the original game, but it would be rad to get… you know… someone from Iran to do the voiceover, maybe? If we’re going back to the well anyway?
  6. 5 minute Jeff screeds are what save us from everyone else slurping the worst parts of games like RDR2. I want him to do whatever he finds most personally fulfilling, but "less Jeff" is never what GB has needed.
  7. Why would Jeff need to be reined in, he's one of the few influencers in gaming who clearly loves the hobby and who engages in consuming games critically.
  8. Petroleum is the only thing exceptional about Texas, should be a short curriculum.
  9. But this doesn’t fit the “gangland” narrative of gun violence, so whatever.
  10. Crypto helps enable wild ransomware prices and everything should be done to obliterate it. Ban exchanges, tax profits at 80+%
  11. In case you’d forgotten that the Libertarian Party is fucking trash:
  12. Bezos wanting to treat the earth like a park for humans who live in space is honestly everything we need to know to hope that he never returns from orbit.
  13. For me personally, it’s been several years since I messed with my phone, tablet, or computer and thought, “man I really wished it did X,” where X was a big feature. For me it’s all smoothing the edges at this point and I can’t really bring myself to care about that stuff.
  14. Not Gadot’s fault that Snyder has no idea what to do with the character!
  15. I’m in favor of modifying the heads to be used to dispose of feminine hygiene products.
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